Call Horizon Europe: bridge the gap in Research and Innovation performance across Europe

|In Evidence|07 November 2024

Photo by  Louis Reed on UnsplashThe forthcoming call under the Horizon Europe programme, "Teaming for Excellence", aims to bridge the gap in research and innovation (R&I) performance across Europe by establishing or modernizing centres of excellence in low R&I performing countries. 

The main goal is to build partnerships between leading scientific institutions in the European landscape and the main beneficiary institutions in countries with low R&I performance, which show a willingness to work together for this purpose. 

The project duration can be up to six years, and successful proposals will exemplify achievements in R&I and capacity building, contributing to the overall competitiveness of the European Research Area. To date, there are more than 80 partner searches already on the Funding and Tender Portal.

Budget Overview

The budget allocated is €270 million and is designed to support the creation and modernization of centres of excellence through a two-stage process. The call opens on December 3, 2024, with the first deadline on April 10, 2025, and the second on January 20, 2026.

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