Discover the EU-Japan Centre's missions to help SMEs through their internationalization journey

|Focus|25 July 2023

Tokyo Photo by: Aleksandar Pasaric from PexelsThe EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation calls out interested SMEs to apply for their business mission. Biotech, Digital, Green and Nanotech are the four sectors the programme foresees to encourage and help European enterprises to expand their business in Japan.

Established in 1987 by the European Commission - under the Directorate General GROW - and the Japanese Government, in order to promote all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and the Nipponic region, the EU-Japan Centre organizes every year business missions evolving around specific target sectors to support the internationalization of European Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) towards Japan.

The missions last more or less 4 days and allow participating companies to exhibit during a thematic trade fair within a joint booth of the EU-Japan Centre, where networking events are also organized to maximize opportunities for the EU participants. 

The Centre's missions target the following sectors: Biotech, Digital, Green and Nanotech. 

Each business mission aims at facilitating the first contact that could be the door leading to new business opportunities. Some of the main advantages in participating can be: 

  • Gain knowledge about market structure, sector analysis, Japanese business culture and policy etc;
  • Identify relevant key contacts (decision makers, R&D centres, potential business partners etc);
  • Establish relationships with potential partners (trade and technology);
  • Benefit from face-to-face meetings leading to possible business opportunities.

The four Business Missions

The NanoTech cluster

This mission will take place from January 30 2024 to February 2 2024, on the fringe of the nano tech Expo 2024 taking place in Tokyo. Applicants will have the chance to exhibit in the EU-Japan Centre booth during the 3-days fair, attend B2B meetings and meet with Japanese visitors.

The communication will be eased thanks to the help of professional interpreters and, based on materials provided by the SME, the EU-Japan Centre will arrange Japanese-language posters to promote products at the EU Delegation booth at the trade fair.

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