17th edition of the flagship REGIOSTARS Awards: the competition by DG REGIO that rewards each year the best projects financed under Cohesion policy. Since 2008, the REGIOSTARS Awards have honored innovative EU-funded projects under Cohesion Policy, which demonstrate the impact and inclusiveness of regional development. The objective of RegioStars is to identify good practice in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects or support schemes aiming to inspire emulation among regions and project managers across Europe. In 2024, the REGIOSTARS are awarded to projects in five thematic categories in line with the five Cohesion Policy Objectives 2021-2027: Category 1: A COMPETITIVE AND SMART EUROPE - Promoting competitiveness, innovation and economic resilience; Category 2: A GREEN EUROPE - The green transition as the enabler of regional development; Category 3: A CONNECTED EUROPE - Enhancing mobility and connectivity between regions; Category 4: A SOCIAL AND INCLUSIVE EUROPE - Achieving a more inclusive Europe by harnessing regional talents; Category 5: A EUROPE CLOSER TO THE CITIZENS - Fostering the sustainable development of all types of territories. The application period is open until 31 May 2024. All details of the competition are available at https://regiostarsawards.eu/. ...