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Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition MOC 2024
From 20 to 22 of October 2024, will take place the event "Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition MOC 2024", under the patronage of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and in collaboration with IES Group and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). With the strategic importance of the metropolitan city of Alexandria, in the heart of the Mediterranean region, the realm of the energy industry and offshore activities, and at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe, MOC emerged as a leading technical platform that links and addresses all regional energy activities, bringing relevant stakeholders to explore the vast energy potentials the Mediterranean region holds.
I&P Conference - L'Imaging & Printing nell'era del lavoro diffuso e digitale
Il 26 settembre 2024, online, si svolgerà la I&P Conference - L'Imaging & Printing nell'era del lavoro diffuso e digitale, organizzata da Soiel International. L'evento sarà un'occasione di confronto su tematiche quali: Smart Printing, Servizi di stampa gestiti, Print Security, Ottimizzazione dei processi documentali, Soluzioni verticali, Stampa sostenibile. Pagina ufficiale
CX DAY Italia - Abbracciare l'innovazione e adattarsi alle aspettative mutevoli dei clienti
Il 1° ottobre 2024, online, si svolgerà il CX DAY Italia- Abbracciare l'innovazione e adattarsi alle aspettative mutevoli dei clienti, organizzata da Soiel International, Arkage e Italian CXPA Network. L'evento, alla sua terza edizione, sarà dedicato alla Customer Experience. Pagina ufficiale
Data Architecture Conference
Il 15 ottobre 2024, a Milano, si svolgerà la Data Architecture Conference, organizzata da Soiel International. Le tematiche affrontate: le Cloud Data Platform e la Data Integration, la Data Governance e la Data Protection: come cambiano le architetture ICT per supportare il Real time Data Driven Business. Pagina ufficiale
Real Estate: l'approccio data driven alla gestione degli spazi
Il 17 ottobre 2024, online, si svolgerà la web conference Real Estate: l'approccio data driven alla gestione degli spazi, organizzata da Soiel International. Tra i temi focus: Lo stato dell'arte della Building Automation e tecnologie IoT Il ruolo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nell'interpretazione dei dati Il Bim al servizio dello space planning Pagina ufficiale
SCM Conference - Il digitale e la gestione della supply chain
Il 24 settembre 2024, online, si svolgerà la SCM Conference - Il digitale e la gestione della supply chain, organizzata da Soiel International. L'evento sarà un'occasione di confronto sulle tematiche del digitale, supply chain e intelligenza artificiale. Si alterneranno testimonianze da parte dell'utenza al racconto degli operatori del mercato delle soluzioni oggi disponibili. Pagina ufficiale: link
Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale
Il 22 ottobre 2024, a Torino, tornerà il roadshow Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale, il programma di incontri territoriali che da 15 anni offre un'occasione di incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per la Security e la protezione delle informazioni aziendali. Pagina ufficiale
Datacenter Experience
Il 22 ottobre 2024, a Torino, si svolgerà il convegno Datacenter Experience - Efficienza, sicurezza, sostenibilità e continuità per il nuovo business digitale, organizzato da Soiel International, e da16 anni un'occasione d’incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per le infrastrutture IT. Pagina ufficiale
Fabbrica 5.0 - Sostenibile, Digitale e Collaborativa
Il 5 novembre 2024, online, si terrà il webinar Fabbrica 5.0 - Sostenibile, Digitale e Collaborativa, organizzato da Soiel International, dedicato al mondo della Fabbrica Digitale. La conferenza alternerà testimonianze da parte dell'utenza al racconto degli operatori del mercato delle soluzioni oggi disponibili. Pagina ufficiale
Urban Mobility Conference - La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale
Il 7 novembre 2024, a Roma, tornerà il convegno/roadshow Urban Mobility Conference - La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale, organizzato da Soiel International, che dal 2021 pone al centro del dibattito i temi dell’evoluzione della mobilità urbana. Pagina ufficiale
OLMeet | Officelayout Meeting and Talk
Il 14 novembre 2024, a Roma, si svolgerà il convegno OLMeet | Officelayout Meeting and Talk - Parole, immagini e suggestioni per l’ufficio che verrà, organizzato dalla rivista Officelayout come momento di approfondimento e confronto sulle tendenze in atto nella progettazione degli edifici del terziario e nello space planning dei nuovi luoghi del lavoro. Pagina ufficiale
Sanità Digitale
Il 20 novembre 2024, a Roma, tornerà la nuova edizione del convegno con area espositiva Sanità Digitale - La Sanità di prossimità, la collaborazione Pubblico e Privato, le opportunità del digitale e la tutela della privacy. Un convegno in sessione plenaria, costruito con i contributi di società del mondo della domanda, dell’offerta, della consulenza e della ricerca, e un’area espositiva prevista per agevolare il contatto fra i visitatori e le aziende presenti e facilitare convivialità durante i momenti di ristoro. Pagina ufficiale
Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Application
Il 27 novembre 2024, a Milano, tornerà il convegno annuale Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Application - Le forme dell’Intelligenza Artificiale applicata al Business, organizzato da Soiel International. Tra i temi al centro del convegno: Come costruire valore in un progetto di Intelligenza Artificiale La governance dei progetti di Intelligenza Artificiale I nuovi ecosistemi d’offerta Le infrastrutture abilitanti Gli ambiti di applicazioni business dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (Customer Experience, Document Management, Analytics, Cybersecurity, ecc.) Pagina ufficiale
Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale - Bologna
Il 4 dicembre 2024, a Bologna, tornerà il roadshow Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale, il programma di incontri territoriali che da 15 anni offre un'occasione di incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per la Security e la protezione delle informazioni aziendali. Pagina ufficiale
Digital Italy Summit 2024
Dal 12 al 14 novembre 2024, a Roma, si terrà l'evento organizzato da The Innovation Group "Digital Italy Summit 2024", alla sua nona edizione. L'evento sarà un'occasione per i Leader delle Imprese del Mondo Digitale per condividere le loro visioni, anticipare le loro strategie di impresa e presentare le loro tecnologie innovative al nostro mercato. Pagina ufficiale
Cybertech Europe 2024
A Roma, l'8 e 9 ottobre 2024, si terrà presso il Centro Congressi La Nuvola "Cybertech Europe". La conferenza e l'esposizione presenteranno soluzioni all'avanguardia provenienti da diverse aziende. L'evento ospiterà anche una serie di illustri relatori che includono alti funzionari di governo, dirigenti di alto livello e leader del settore provenienti dall'Europa e da tutto il mondo.
A Napoli, il 20 settembre 2024 si terrà presso Palazzo Partanna, il FORUM DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ 2024. La tappa del Golfo di Napoli ci immerge nel cuore della Cultura gastronomica italiana, nell’essenza del turismo sostenibile e nella cura, salute e rigenerazione offerta dalle risorse termali diffuse. Un appuntamento, organizzato da Comunicazione Italiana, e dedicato all'innovazione sostenibile. Per partecipare:
A Milano, il 16 e 17 settembre 2024 si terrà presso l'Auditorium Giovanni Testori, il LEARNING FORUM 2024. L'incontro inaugura il percorso focalizzato sull'essenza del benessere integrato, e sulla formazione, quali elementi chiave della società odierna. Un appuntamento, organizzato da Comunicazione Italiana, dedicato al benessere e all'apprendimento nelle aziende e nelle istituzioni. Per partecipare:
A Roma, il 18 settembre 2024 si terrà presso il Palazzo dell'Informazione, il MOBILITY FORUM 2024. La tappa romana si pone come cardine nella rivoluzione della Mobilità e della Salute, aspetti fondamentali per le città italiane. Un appuntamento, organizzato da Comunicazione Italiana, dedicato a smart city e mobilità intelligente. Per partecipare:
Big Science Business Forum 2024
On October 1-4 2024, will take place in Trieste the event "BSBF – Big Science Business Forum", a business oriented congress, focused on high technology and innovation with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and industry in Europe.
Conferences and summits: The EU-Africa Business Forum Facility at the Transform Africa Summit
Nairobi County
The EU-Africa Business Forum Facility (EABFF) is glad to invite you to two events: a panel discussion featuring EU Africa joint ventures in the digital sector & a business networking session to facilitate exchange of information and foster new business relationships. On 27 August 2024, the EU-Africa Business Forum Facility is organising a panel discussion featuring successful EU Africa joint ventures in the digital sector. The event will highlight key opportunities and challenges these ventures encounter. The Facility will bring together a diverse group of companies of varying sizes and ownership structures, aiming at fostering a rich and balanced discussion on the many facets of doing business in Africa's digital landscape. The event will showcase the application of digital technology to areas such as renewable energy innovation projects, agritech projects, and digital health amongst others. The panel will highlight innovative solutions at the intersection of digitalisation and sustainability, addressing pressing challenges while promoting economic growth and environmental stewardship. Topics will include regulatory frameworks, ease of doing business, and non-tariff barriers, among others, with the view of drawing out practical recommendations for the Business community. Furthermore, back-to-back with the panel, the Facility will also organise an enhanced Business Networking Session. This session aims to facilitate the rapid exchange of information and foster the development of new business relationships. It is an efficient way for professionals to expand their network, identify potential collaborators, clients, or partners, and promote their own business or services. This session offers a prime opportunity for European enterprises looking to identify partners and expand their business in Africa, as well as for EU companies interested in exploring market opportunities and broadening their networks. It is a value-added activity for Members States and EU initiatives attending the Summit with their pool of companies, providing an occasion to identify potential business partners and connect with companies with shared business interests. For further information, please contact us by email: infoeu-africabusinessforum [dot] eu (info[at]eu-africabusinessforum[dot]eu)
Conferences and summits: 5th International Ship Autonomy and Sustainability Summit
The Summit will shed new light on autonomy in shipping, and address what is really meant by MASS (Maritime Autonomous Ships and Shipping). Register here Book your seat, 1 month left to register, registration will end on Saturday 31 August 2024, 18:30 (CEST) The Summit will shed new light on autonomy in shipping, and address what is really meant by MASS (Maritime Autonomous Ships and Shipping). What kind of autonomy is in demand? And to what extent? The high-level speakers will demystify MASS and the future of seafaring, with a focus on the 'human in the loop', connectivity and the practical application of MASS. The technology will likely mean different tasks for seafarers, impacting the profession, training and responsibilities. The human-technology interface will also be important when looking at how MASS can be integrated with ports and the hinterland in intelligent maritime transport systems.Held for the first time in Germany, the event is co-organised by the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, and will be particularly relevant for maritime and inland shipping stakeholders. Registration will open soon.See also: Maritime Autonomous Ships and Shipping
Training and workshops: TraTra II
TraTra is a four-day translation summer school aimed at giving young people a taste for translation, introducing them to different kinds of translation through presentations by experienced translators and hands-on practice. Register here Book your seat, 1 month left to register, registration will end on Sunday 1 September 2024, 12:00 (CEST)
Exhibitions: European Commission at the Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology trade fair
The European Commission will have a large stand in the 2024 edition of SMM, to promote European research, the Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Alliance and to present how Research and Innovative contribute to the objectives of the European Green Deal in reaching climate-neutrality in the maritime sector. Register here The program will include the presence of the Directorate-General of Research and Innovation, along with other Commission services like Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), and European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). It will showcase the link between the European Union's green shipping policies and innovation, through a selection of EU research and RLCF Alliance projects that will be presented, to illustrate the achievements of European companies.Throughout the week, (3-6 September) the European Commission will hold in-person meetings between policy officers and interested parties to listen to the public and answer their questions on access to funding on policies such as Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund and Connecting Europe Facility. We welcome any organization interested to meet with us to let us know via email RTD-C3-ASSISTec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-C3-ASSIST[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) before July 31, together with the topics they wish to discuss.Additionally, the European Commission will also hold a panel to showcase the success stories of Horizon Europe funded projects.Join us at SMM Hamburg 2024 on 3-6 September. You will find us in Hall A3, Stand 203.
Training and workshops: Managing Contribution Agreements in the EU Funding and Tenders Portal
Learn to manage your organisation's information and contracts for Contribution Agreements (CA) in OPSYS. Register here Certain types of Contribution Agreements (CA) under EU External Actions are now managed through OPSYS in the Funding and Tenders Portal. In this webinar you will learn how to manage information concerning your Organisation, and manage your Contracts (e-signature, submission of deliverables such as inception reports/progress reports/final reports, launch amendments to your Contracts, manage results and indicators) for the Contribution Agreements (CA) managed in OPSYS via the electronic workflow (electronic signature) and the paper workflow (blue ink/QES signature). Please note that some Contribution Agreement types continue to be managed outside OPSYS, their onboarding to OPSYS/LCM will follow later when the corresponding features will become available. Target Audience Entrusted Entities, Pillar Assessed Organisations
Training and workshops: Root cause analysis and event investigation training
North Holland
Participants will become familiar with root cause analysis (RCA) methods and tools frequently used in nuclear events investigation. After completing the course, participants should be able to participate in event investigations and evaluate event analysis reports.RegistrationCourse registration is now open until 16 August 2024. All participants must register online as we cannot process registrations via email. Please use the link to register. You will need to create a user account during the registration process. Register here Book your seat, 3 weeks left to register, registration will end on Friday 16 August 2024, 23:59 (CEST) The training provides complete information on nuclear event investigation and the root cause analysis process. Emphasis is on practical usage of the RCA tools appropriate for event investigation and analysis of human and organisational factors contributing to nuclear events.The training course covers the following topicsDefinitions and basic concepts to operating experience, corrective action programme and RCAModel programme for RCAHuman performanceAnalytical techniques: event and causal factors chart, barrier analysisChange analysisFault tree analysisTask analysis and interviewingManagement oversight and risk tree (MORT) analysisEvaluating the quality of the corrective actions with respect to risk assessmentRCA: an international perspectiveA variety of learning methods will be used, including formal lessons followed by practical examples of using the event investigation tools presented. The participants will also work on practical exercises.Accommodation and transportationFor logistic and transportation reasons, it is suggested to book the Amrath hotel in Alkmaar.Participants can reach Alkmaar using the local train from Amsterdam Central Station or Schiphol Airport. JRC will arrange a taxi transportation from the Amrath hotel to the JRC Petten site and back during the training course. Participants may also come to the Petten site on their own.Participation is free of charge. Accommodation, per-diem and travel expenses are at the cost of participants.
Conferences and summits: Future Energy Solutions: Accelerating the Green Transition
South Karelia
The event, scheduled for September 10-11, 2024, is dedicated to the theme "Accelerating the Green Transition."This conference is going to be a platform for industry experts, policymakers, researchers, and business leaders to gather and discuss the advancements, challenges, and opportunities in sustainable energy. The key topics of the event will be renewable energy solutions, green hydrogen, and energy markets and efficiency. Moreover, two specialised sessions will be held on future electrified mobile work machines used in a variety of industries, showcasing technological advancements and the environmental benefits of transitioning to electric machinery. There will also be discussions on the future of electric vehicles (EVs), including infrastructure development, policy support, and the role of EVs in reducing carbon emissions.
Partner meetings: How to advance precision medicine for Europe's cancer patients with AI-powered imaging
Training and workshops: Languages and careers - Job Fair
The Translating Europe Workshop (TEW) "Languages and careers - Job Fair" is a recruitment event targeting language industry students and professionals and offering valuable networking and career opportunities. The TEW will feature presentations on the language industry and a job fair designed to engage with freelancers, university graduates, students, as well as their teachers.The TEW is organised by the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission in cooperation with SKY (Association of Finnish Language Service Providers) and EUATC (European Union of Associations of Translation Companies), and it is a part of the programme of the conference "Helsinki Language Summit - KIELI2024", taking place 12-13 September. Registration is required. Please register as a "Job Fair Attendee" using the registration form of the conference.
Exhibitions: European Mobility Week
Training and workshops: 3rd Dynare Workshop for Advanced Users
Info days: Pro Ocean - Beach Clean Up
Beach clean up with the 'Pro Ocean' team on the island Negros, Philippines
Partner meetings: Third EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Civil Society Forum
Participation is open to civil society organisations representing employers' organisations, workers' representatives, NGOs and academics.There are a limited number of spots available for active participants, who will be selected based on their representativeness and the moment of registration. Other registered participants will be able to follow the forum through web streaming.AgendaThe scope of this Civil Society Forum of the EU-UK TCA is Part 2 of the agreement covering the areas of trade, transport and fisheries. The agenda for this third meeting of the CSF includes:trade in goodslevel playing field regulatory cooperationtrade in servicesenergyRegistrationFor questions, please contact TRADE-E1-SECRETARIATec [dot] europa [dot] eu (TRADE-E1-SECRETARIAT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) The European Commission is inviting all interested parties to register to participate in the third Civil Society Forum of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), to be held on 20 September 2024.
Conferences and summits: Global Renewables Summit
New York
The world came together at COP 28 in Dubai last December with a clear commitment to implement a clean energy transition. The EU led a global initiative to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency measures by 2030 and the resulting global stocktake, supporting these targets, charts a way forward for the next 6 years.As an important milestone, the Global Renewables Summit, a 3-day event hosted in New York on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, is organised by the Global Renewables Alliance and Bloomberg Philanthropies, in partnership with the European Commission and the governments of Barbados and Kenya, the COP28 Presidency, the International Renewables Energy Agency, Sustainable Energy for All, and the Center on Global Energy Policy.It will feature an opening high-level segment in the format of a leaders' plenary with participation of heads of state and government, followed by thematic roundtables. The primary objective is to catalyse commitments from governments, multilateral development banks, the private sector, and philanthropic organisations towards enhancing renewable energy finance.The event is the first-ever high-level public-private summit to discuss the progress, opportunities, and challenges of tripling renewable energy globally by 2030. It will bring together governments, private sector, philanthropy, international organisations, and academia demonstrating the collective momentum and drive to accelerate the pace and scale of the transition to renewable energy.Global Renewables Summit 2024 - Global Renewables AllianceFor social media: #3xRenewablesRelated linksEU external energy engagements (
Conferences and summits: European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre coordinates the scientific programme of the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition (PVSEC 2024), marking its 41st edition in 2024. The Conference remains the premier global event for showcasing the latest advancements and driving innovation in solar energy research, technologies and applications, at a time when the energy industry is rapidly growing and the widespread adoption of solar PV reaching the multi-TW mark.The JRC is also present at the exhibition. Visit our booth A7 to engage with our specialists and try PVGIS, our web-based tool for calculating solar power output from PV systems; learn about the European Solar Test Installation (ESTI) facility, which validates the efficiency of PV devices, and explore our latest research publications. The world-renowned EU PVSEC is a science-to-science, business-to-business and science-to-industry platform with full focus on the global PV sector. For the past 41 years, it has been gathering the international PV community to conduct business, network and present and discuss the latest developments and innovations in photovoltaics.
Competitions and award ceremonies: EU Organic Awards 2024
The EU organic awards are an opportunity to recognise the work of various actors along the organic value chain that has developed an excellent, innovative, sustainable, and inspiring project producing real added value for organic production and consumption.On 19 July 2024, the finalists for the third edition of the awards were announced for each category.The finalistsBest organic farmer (female) and Best organic farmer (male)Best organic regionBest organic cityBest organic "bio-district"Best organic food processing SMEBest organic food retailerBest organic restaurant/food service2024 Awards ceremonyThe award ceremony will be organised on EU Organic Day on 23 September 2024. The winners will be invited to an event in Brussels to collect their awards. This event will involve representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, COPA-COGECA, and IFOAM Organics Europe. Winners will have the opportunity to explain their project to a broader public. Organic production has been identified as playing a key role in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy, and the Biodiversity strategy. The Commission also adopted the Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production in March 2021, including the launch of annual awards recognising excellence in the organic value chain.For this third edition of the EU organic awards, any actor or institution along the organic value chain with a noteworthy project were encouraged to apply. Each project submitted had to contribute to the greater affordability and/or accessibility of organic products in the EU. Project promoters had to be established or residents in the EU. Applications had to be submitted in one of the official EU languages and the projects EU based.The horizontal award criteria against which eligible applications were assessed by the EU Organic Awards jury were:ExcellenceThe innovative character of the project in the selected award categorySustainability pillars (environmental, social and economic) of the projectTransferability and possibility to replicate the project elsewhere in the EUMore details about the EU organic awards can be found online, as well as on organic farming in the EU.
Training and workshops: Annual event on research for fighting crime and terrorism
DG HOME is organising this two-day annual event with the aim of facilitating and stimulating the discussion and exchanges among security research practitioners, policy makers, researchers, civil society and industry on cross-cutting topics that have a broad and horizontal impact on research and innovation in this domain.The first day of this event will be dedicated to the discussion on online harms, from exploring their current spectrum to analysing emerging and future techniques and technologies related to online harms. During this day, we will also discuss how the AI Act will affect the fight against online crimes.The second day of the event will look at understanding which possible challenges our practitioners (police authorities, NGOs/CSOs and forensic institutes) face regarding their participation in security research consortia, and discuss good and bad practices in this regard.The goal of the two-day event is to facilitate the sharing of experiences and research findings in order to identify current achievements, possible synergies, and inspire each other while strengthening collaboration on European level.For more information, please contact HOME-CERISec [dot] europa [dot] eu (HOME-CERIS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
Campaign launches: Go live of the Public Procurement Data Space
On 24 September, the European Commission is hosting a full day event to celebrate the go live of the Public Procurement Data Space (PPDS)! All user groups are welcome to attend the PPDS Day 2024. The event will include live demonstrations of the PPDS, discuss what's in it for users and the motivations for countries to join the PPDS and share their data. In parallel sessions, participants will learn how to use the PPDS, but also about how procurement data is assessed in terms of their data quality along with insights into the technical aspects of the PPDS. A networking cocktail will conclude the day. Please note that this is not a hybrid event. See you there! Register here Draft agenda09:00 - 10:00 - Registration & Welcome coffee10:00 - 10:30 - Opening 10:30 - 11:00 - PPDS Live demo11:00 - 11:15 - Break11:15 - 12:30 - 1st Panel: 'PPDS - What's in it for users?'12:30 - 14:00 - Lunch & Learn14:00 - 15:15 - 2nd Panel: 'PPDS - Motivation for countries to join'15:15 - 15:30 - Coffee and moving to workout sessions15:30 - 17:30 - The PPDS in practice - (parallel workout sessions)Using the PPDSData Quality and the PPDSThe technical side of the PPDS17:30 -18:00 - Closing 18:00 - 19:30 - Networking CocktailThe Public Procurement Data Space (PPDS) is an initiative to harness the power of public procurement data at European level and will unlock the potential by providing a unique service where policy makers, public buyers, companies, and other user groups can access information in an innovative and transparent way. The PPDS will contribute to the development of a more competitive, fairer, resilient, and greener Europe.ContactEC-PPDSec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EC-PPDS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Competitions and award ceremonies: Award Ceremony: Women In Rail Award 2024
The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, 24 September 2024, at the European stand at InnoTrans in Berlin. More information coming soon.
Training and workshops: Research in Action: how to define, measure and communicate the societal impact of your work?
Societal value creation is at the heart of the universities' third mission, and it is the ambition of publicly funded research. However, measuring and communicating the achieved and potential impact of research results is not always straightforward. Societal benefits arise from all disciplines and from a wide range of approaches to knowledge valorisation. Several initiatives have been developed to support researchers in identifying and presenting the value of their work for society. This way, researchers' work benefits from increased recognition and impact outside science, including informing policy making. Learn about successful practices to capture and promote the societal value of your research in this webinar! You can register to receive a reminder shortly before the Talk. You can also tell us the aspects of the topic which you would like speakers to explore. Registration is not compulsory to watch the event. No password or account is needed. AgendaIntroduction by Chair: Fabienne Gautier, Head of Unit for Common Missions & Partnerships Service at Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (TBC)Presentation of the jointly developed researcher's online course on research impact of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters by Laura Valkeasuo, Senior Advisor at the University of HelsinkiPresentation of the Nova Research Impact Narratives Challenge by Helder Lopes, Director of Research and Innovation at NOVA University, LisbonPresentation of Impact Track by Tomas De Groote, Impact Coach at Social Innovation FactoryPanel discussion with questions from the audience. You will be able to ask your questions via hope to see many of you online and look forward to the discussion!Explore the repository of best practices on our KV Platform and get to know more best practices to promote the societal impact of research projects: Journey of Progress - Theory of Change card game to plan, monitor and evidence the impact of research projects, by the Evaluating Societal Impact (ESI) strategic project at Erasmus University RotterdamCarrying the Message by using specific storytelling techniques of metaphor and animation techniques to create compelling valorisation narratives, sponsored by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)Background informationRead about the outcomes of the Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on Knowledge Valorisation - a policy dialogue among EU countries that delivered a set of policy recommendations and a policy toolbox to implement a knowledge valorisation strategy.The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission is organising a whole series of online EU Knowledge Valorisation Talks throughout 2024 to showcase inspiring practices that are transforming knowledge into practical solutions and exchange experience among valorisation actors from all over Europe. The focus is on new trends and developments in knowledge valorisation.Mark your calendars for our next Knowledge Valorisation Talk on Tuesday 19 November 202. For any question or suggestion, please contact: RTD-VALORISATION-POLICIES-IPRec [dot] europa [dot] eu (RTD-VALORISATION-POLICIES-IPR[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Conferences and summits: 2024 Fisheries Science Seminar - Artificial Intelligence
The annual Fisheries Science Seminar, organised by the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries will take place on 25 September 2024. This year's seminar will focus on the potential contribution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) towards achieving fisheries sustainability. The 2024 science seminar will be dedicated to exploring the rapid developments in the area of artificial intelligence to support the scientific process, and in particular how this approach can be instrumental towards sustainable fisheries management with increased transparency of fishing activity and reduced impact on the environment.The seminar will include presentations from experts in the field followed by discussions involving seminar's participants. In addition, a poster exhibition, showcasing successful fisheries science projects integrating AI based knowledge, will be displayed at the event premises.More information and registration will be available soon. Each year the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) organises a science seminar, which brings together a wide range of stakeholders such as scientists, fishing industry, NGOs, and representatives of the European Commission, Parliament, Council and Member States, to discuss topical scientific developments and links to the implementation of the common fisheries policy. This seminar provides a platform for dialogue on the current and future science challenges, as well as a networking opportunity for all stakeholders, who have an opportunity to reflect on the state of the scientific advice and research on fisheries, and the challenges ahead. This in turn feeds into DG MARE's internal reflections to shape future policies or adjust current ones, of further relevance ahead of the next Commission mandate. Previous editionsThe 2023 Fisheries Science Seminar focused on the role of Citizen Science in supporting fisheries science and management. The 2022 Fisheries Science Seminar focused on the implementation of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM).The 2021 Fisheries Science Seminar focused on Marine Protected Areas, and their possible benefits for attaining the objectives of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.
Exhibitions: European Day of Languages 2024
Celebrate the European Day of Languages with us!Multilingual mini language courses, online quizzes, translation workshops, language fairs, travelling book exhibitions and many more events will be organised across the EU. Stay tuned for more info!
Conferences and summits: European Regulators Group for Postal Services - stakeholders forum 2024
Register here Book your seat, 1 month left to register, registration will end on Thursday 19 September 2024, 16:00 (CEST) The 5th ERGP stakeholders forum discusses issues related to the possible development of the postal sector in the next 2 decades, as per the prospective study commissioned by the European Commission. It will also cover possible market failures and issues, as well as the potential need for regulation at EU level. The forum will also tackle the needs of users and their internal market dimension, and stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss the ERGP work programme for 2025, currently under public consultation.Kerstin Jorna, Director General of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), European Commission, is the keynote speaker of this event.
Conferences and summits: Roundtables on scaling up of investment funds and consolidation of market infrastructure in the EU
The aim of the event is to hold a general exchange on the recently strengthened political focus on consolidation (across various market segments), considering its possible upsides, downsides and regulatory constraints. This discussion should take place against the background of the objectives on the capital markets union (CMU) and EU competitiveness. It will bring together investment funds ('buy-side'), financial institutions (sell-side) and infrastructure operators.The Commission views consolidation as a market-driven process with EU legislation aiming to remove obstacles and provide incentives to that process rather than trying to impose consolidation per se and the objective of this workshop would be to identify any obstacles to a market driven process.RegistrationIf multiple registrations per organisation have been received for physical presence, we would limit the physical representation to a single person per organisation. Others are welcome to follow the event online.Register for the roundtableSpecific privacy statement 26 SEPTEMBER 2024Specific privacy statement: Roundtables on consolidation in the investment funds sector and trading and post-trading infrastructureEnglish(140.8 KB - PDF)Download Web streamingThe event will be web streamed. The web stream links will be available here soon.
Training and workshops: Craft and Creativity: Translation Professionals in the Digital Age
What impact does Artificial Intelligence have on creativity in translation and interpreting? What do human translators have to offer in the age of AI? These are the questions we want to explore on the occasion of International Translators Day 2024 and the 70th anniversary of the professional association UNIVERSITAS Austria. Join us for an afternoon of insights and discussions with experts and practitioners in Vienna.Please register by 13 September 2024 via Contact details: Marlene Honigsberger, infouniversitas [dot] org (info[at]universitas[dot]org) Claudia Deutsch, claudia [dot] deutschec [dot] europa [dot] eu (claudia[dot]deutsch[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Training and workshops: Terminology work in Hungary and in the EU: tips and tricks for translators
What are Hungarian terminologists up to these days? And why should translators even care about terminology? Join us in person in Budapest or follow the event online to find out how a word becomes a term, and how terminology influences the work of translators.The event will be in Hungarian only, without interpretation.The registration and webstreaming link will be published soon.
Training and workshops: Translation teaching, Research and Practice in the era of AI
Members of the METS network universities from around Europe are coming together to discuss the future of translation in the era of AI and MT. Speakers will include professors from ISIT Paris, KU Leuven, Universidad de Malaga, Universidad de Salamanca, Universita di Bologna, Universitat Leipzig, Universitat Wien, Universite Catholique de l'Ouest, UCLouvain, and Universite Libre de Bruxelles.
Partner meetings: CCI4EU - strengthening research capacities of comprehensive cancer infrastructures
Conferences and summits: 17th European Nuclear Energy Forum
The European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) serves as a unique platform for comprehensive discussions about the opportunities and risks associated with nuclear energy. Traditionally organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the host country, this year's forum will take place in the Czech Republic. ENEF brings together key stakeholders in the nuclear field, including high-level political representatives from EU Member States, European institutions, nuclear industry, nuclear safety regulators, academia and research organisations, trade organisations, and representatives of energy consumers and civil society. The 2024 conference will mark the 17th edition of ENEF. The Forum will commence with a high-level dinner, followed by the main conference programme on 1 October 2024.Program details and registration information will be available soon.We look forward to welcoming you to ENEF 2024.For updates and detailed information, please check this page regularly.Related linksNuclear safety
Training and workshops: Second workshop on substituting targeted hazardous chemicals
The European Commission is hosting a second workshop in co-operation with a group of contractors led by the Logika Group. It is being held in the context of the study 'Strengthening the role of substitution planning in the context of REACH and other EU chemicals legislation'.This workshop will give an update on progress made on the project to date, including the problem definition. It will also provide an overview of the identified options for a substitution framework and explore their potential implications. Views on the options and initial results will be sought from the audience, so they can be taken into account before the final stages of the study commence. The presentations and a report on the first workshop are available to read. A background document for the workshop will be issued in advance. This will provide an overview of the problem analysis and identified options. Workshop minutes will be prepared afterwards to document the discussions. Register here Book your seat, 1 month left to register, registration will end on Sunday 1 September 2024, 12:00 (CEST) Draft agendaopening plenary session, includingproject context and introduction by the European Commissionoverview of the problem analysisoverview of the options for a subsitution framework group discussions on the identified optionsclosing plenary session summarising feedback and next stepsThe opening and closing sessions will be livestreamed.BackgroundThere is a need to find better and more efficient ways to promote and support substitution for targeted hazardous chemicals, in particular for complex cases. A revised substitution framework should promote a faster transition towards improved health and environmental protections, facilitate cooperation and innovation between actors across complex value chains, and allow for enhanced investment and planning to secure the competitiveness of EU industry.More information