Il Comune di Collevecchio al Parlamento europeo
Il prossimo 11 ottobre 2024 a partire dalle ore 14:30 una delegazione del Comune di Collevecchio appartenenti a diverse classi di età e diversi livelli di istruzione parteciperà alla simulazione dei lavori parlamentari del Parlamento europeo presso il Centro Esperienza Europa - David Sassoli del Parlamento europeo a Roma in Piazza Venezia, 6.
Si tratta della prima volta che un comune di piccole dimensioni partecipa ad una simile esperienza immersiva solitamente dedicata alle scuole.
I lavori saranno preceduti dai saluti istituzionali di Carlo CORAZZA, Capo Ufficio di collegamento del Parlamento europeo in Italia, della Vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo Antonella SBERNA, dell’Assessore al Personale, Polizia locale, Enti locali, Sicurezza urbana, Università della Regione Lazio Luisa REGIMENTI e del Sindaco di Collevecchio Federico VITTORI.
Seguiranno gli interventi tematici a cura di Tiziana CIAVARDINI, Antropologa culturale, giornalista e conduttrice televisiva, Francesco MONACO, Capo Dipartimento Supporto ai Comuni e Studi politiche europee dell’IFEL e Vanni RESTA, Consigliere comunale del Comune di Collevecchio nonché docente della Sapienza Università di Roma ed esperto di europrogettazione.
Successivamente, i cittadini presenti all’evento saranno invitati a vestire i panni degli Europarlamentari in una simulazione del processo legislativo ordinario del Parlamento europeo realizzata in un gioco di ruolo che prevede la discussione nelle Commissioni Ambiente e Diritti Civili. Questo esercizio verrà introdotto da Ilaria GARAMPI, Responsabile del Centro Esperienza Europa – David Sassoli che illustrerà lo svolgimento dell’iter e le diverse tappe del processo legislativo per l’approvazione di Direttive europee dalla consultazione dei gruppi d’interesse con la costituzione di alleanze politiche fino alla negoziazione con le altre due Istituzioni componenti il cosiddetto “trilogo”: Commissione europea e Consiglio europeo.
Rapporto del gruppo di esperti sulla valutazione intermedia di Horizon Europe
La Commissione europea organizza il 16 ottobre l’evento di lancio del rapporto del gruppo di esperti sulla valutazione intermedia di Horizon Europe. Il gruppo di esperti, presieduto dal Professor Manuel Heitor, condividerà intuizioni e raccomandazioni per aiutare il programma Horizon Europe ad adattarsi alle sfide emergenti, migliorare la sua attrattiva per ricercatori e innovatori e massimizzare il valore del programma durante il restante periodo della sua attuazione.
Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition MOC 2024
From 20 to 22 of October 2024, will take place the event "Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition MOC 2024", under the patronage of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and in collaboration with IES Group and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). With the strategic importance of the metropolitan city of Alexandria, in the heart of the Mediterranean region, the realm of the energy industry and offshore activities, and at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe, MOC emerged as a leading technical platform that links and addresses all regional energy activities, bringing relevant stakeholders to explore the vast energy potentials the Mediterranean region holds.
Data Architecture Conference
Il 15 ottobre 2024, a Milano, si svolgerà la Data Architecture Conference, organizzata da Soiel International. Le tematiche affrontate: le Cloud Data Platform e la Data Integration, la Data Governance e la Data Protection: come cambiano le architetture ICT per supportare il Real time Data Driven Business.
Pagina ufficiale
Real Estate: l'approccio data driven alla gestione degli spazi
Il 17 ottobre 2024, online, si svolgerà la web conference Real Estate: l'approccio data driven alla gestione degli spazi, organizzata da Soiel International. Tra i temi focus:
Lo stato dell'arte della Building Automation e tecnologie IoT
Il ruolo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nell'interpretazione dei dati
Il Bim al servizio dello space planning
Pagina ufficiale
Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale
Il 22 ottobre 2024, a Torino, tornerà il roadshow Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale, il programma di incontri territoriali che da 15 anni offre un'occasione di incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per la Security e la protezione delle informazioni aziendali.
Pagina ufficiale
Datacenter Experience
Il 22 ottobre 2024, a Torino, si svolgerà il convegno Datacenter Experience - Efficienza, sicurezza, sostenibilità e continuità per il nuovo business digitale, organizzato da Soiel International, e da16 anni un'occasione d’incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per le infrastrutture IT.
Pagina ufficiale
Fabbrica 5.0 - Sostenibile, Digitale e Collaborativa
Il 5 novembre 2024, online, si terrà il webinar Fabbrica 5.0 - Sostenibile, Digitale e Collaborativa, organizzato da Soiel International, dedicato al mondo della Fabbrica Digitale. La conferenza alternerà testimonianze da parte dell'utenza al racconto degli operatori del mercato delle soluzioni oggi disponibili.
Pagina ufficiale
Urban Mobility Conference - La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale
Il 7 novembre 2024, a Roma, tornerà il convegno/roadshow Urban Mobility Conference - La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale, organizzato da Soiel International, che dal 2021 pone al centro del dibattito i temi dell’evoluzione della mobilità urbana.
Pagina ufficiale
OLMeet | Officelayout Meeting and Talk
Il 14 novembre 2024, a Roma, si svolgerà il convegno OLMeet | Officelayout Meeting and Talk - Parole, immagini e suggestioni per l’ufficio che verrà, organizzato dalla rivista Officelayout come momento di approfondimento e confronto sulle tendenze in atto nella progettazione degli edifici del terziario e nello space planning dei nuovi luoghi del lavoro.
Pagina ufficiale
Sanità Digitale
Il 20 novembre 2024, a Roma, tornerà la nuova edizione del convegno con area espositiva Sanità Digitale - La Sanità di prossimità, la collaborazione Pubblico e Privato, le opportunità del digitale e la tutela della privacy. Un convegno in sessione plenaria, costruito con i contributi di società del mondo della domanda, dell’offerta, della consulenza e della ricerca, e un’area espositiva prevista per agevolare il contatto fra i visitatori e le aziende presenti e facilitare convivialità durante i momenti di ristoro.
Pagina ufficiale
Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Application
Il 27 novembre 2024, a Milano, tornerà il convegno annuale Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Application - Le forme dell’Intelligenza Artificiale applicata al Business, organizzato da Soiel International. Tra i temi al centro del convegno:
Come costruire valore in un progetto di Intelligenza Artificiale
La governance dei progetti di Intelligenza Artificiale
I nuovi ecosistemi d’offerta
Le infrastrutture abilitanti
Gli ambiti di applicazioni business dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (Customer Experience, Document Management, Analytics, Cybersecurity, ecc.)
Pagina ufficiale
Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale - Bologna
Il 4 dicembre 2024, a Bologna, tornerà il roadshow Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale, il programma di incontri territoriali che da 15 anni offre un'occasione di incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per la Security e la protezione delle informazioni aziendali.
Pagina ufficiale
Digital Italy Summit 2024
Dal 12 al 14 novembre 2024, a Roma, si terrà l'evento organizzato da The Innovation Group "Digital Italy Summit 2024", alla sua nona edizione. L'evento sarà un'occasione per i Leader delle Imprese del Mondo Digitale per condividere le loro visioni, anticipare le loro strategie di impresa e presentare le loro tecnologie innovative al nostro mercato.
Pagina ufficiale
Partner meetings: How to talk about mental health in the media – a short introduction for journalists
Do you know how to talk about mental health in your reporting? Are you aware of the impact of your profession on your mental health? Do you ever notice stigma about talking about mental health problems at work or at home? Have you seen discrimination against someone with a mental health issue? This webinar will introduce you to mental health specialists explaining modern approaches and understanding of mental health, the causes and effects of stigma and discrimination, and your role as a journalist in overcoming both. By the end of this session, you should feel better equipped to talk about and report on mental health issues.
Conferences and summits: 4th Industrial Carbon Management Forum
The ICM Forum (previously known as the CCUS Forum) brings together stakeholders from industry, EU countries, EU institutions, NGOs, academia and others to discuss how to make the deployment of industrial carbon management projects a reality in Europe.This year’s Forum will be co-hosted by the Commission and the French Ministry in charge of Energy in a hybrid mode from Pau, France on 10-11 October 2024. It will be an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the Commission’s Communication on Industrial Carbon Management as well as other policy developments, which aims to help facilitate the creation of a single market for CO2 in Europe and the deployment of industrial carbon management technologies.Building on the activities of the working groups, the ICM Forum will include stakeholders’ discussions on public awareness, the opportunities of carbon capture and utilisation, the challenges of CO2 transport infrastructure and CO2 standardisation.Among other distinguished speakers, Commissioner Kadri Simson will be present to open the Forum.Last year’s edition gathered more than 450 in-person participants in Aalborg, Denmark, and up to 1 400 participants connected online. We hope to have even more participants this year!The livestream link will be available closer to the date.For social media: #ICMForumTo access the registration platform, you will need to use or create an EU Login account .Please note that the capacity of the venue is limited. Your registration to the event is only confirmed upon receipt of an email from the organisers specifically confirming your participation. The email acknowledging your submission of the registration form is NOT a confirmation of your participation.Register here
Conferences and summits: Building strong local and regional capacity with EU technical support
How can we address the growing mismatch between responsibilities and resources? What makes a successful reform project at the local and regional levels? The Mons Declaration highlights the essential role of cities and regions in Europe's resilience and growth. Similarly, the ComPAct underscores the importance of local and regional administrations in implementing policies and delivering services to citizens. As part of the #EURegionsWeek, we invite practitioners to collaborate on creating a vision for impactful local and regional reform projects.In this mini conference, we will discuss developing robust institutional reform projects that enhance the quality and resilience of local and regional public administrations. During the three-hour session, we will demonstrate how to define problems, adopt a systemic approach, build partnerships, involve stakeholders, achieve impact, and leverage results. We will share good practice examples and provide hands-on design guidance in an interactive format.The event brings together practitioners from the local and regional administrations of all the Member States.
Training and workshops: Sustaining Productivity Growth in the Twin Transition
This workshop will highlight the challenges and opportunities to productivity growth of managing the twin transition. Transitioning the economy from fossil fuels towards clean energy sources is a major policy challenge at the core of the green transition. At the same time, advances in digital technologies are rapidly changing production processes for goods and services across different sectors in the economy. These have critical implications in terms of productivity and ultimately economic growth. The workshop will draw on recent outputs from the OECD under the MapProdIGIS project (Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth, Inclusion and Sustainability), supported by the European Commission. It will present latest evidence from two of the key pillars of the project: technology adoption and diffusion, and sustainability. The workshop will conclude with a policy panel to better understand how policy makers can ensure a twin transition that best harnesses economic growth.*** This is hybrid event ***
Partner meetings: Webinar on stigma related to mental health
The European Commission, in collaboration with Mental Health Europe and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, is hosting a webinar on October 10, 2024, to address stigma related to mental health issues. This initiative follows the European Commission's comprehensive approach to mental health, which emphasizes the need to combat stigma, a significant barrier that exacerbates mental health challenges and leads to marginalization and exclusion. The webinar will feature experts with lived experiences, presentations on an EU support package and the WHO's Mosaic toolkit aimed at reducing stigma, and discussions among policymakers, stakeholders, and citizens. Participants are encouraged to register for the event, which will take place online from 14:00 to 15:30 CET.
Conferences and summits: Copernicus Emergency Management Service Annual Conference
You're invited to the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) annual conference to discover how CEMS can help raise awareness of natural hazards, contribute to disaster risk strategies or help strengthen policy.During the morning session, we will show how CEMS has been collaborating with European Commission Directorates-General, Member and Participating States, and the international community, by delivering early-warning and monitoring insights on floods, wildfires and droughts.You'll discover how detailed, high-resolution emergency maps are helping to assess risks, prepare and react to disasters like earthquakes, cyclones and landslides; also how CEMS systems help identify hazard-vulnerable populations and support resilient urban planning.In the afternoon, you'll be able to join hands-on workshops and learn how to source, personalise and use CEMS data.
Conferences and summits: Pathways Europe conference
Registrations are open for the Pathways Europe 2024 Conference “Revisiting What is Wild for Coexisting” that will take place from 13-16 October 2024 in Córdoba, Spain. The conference examines the shifting concept of "wild" in the Anthropocene era, where human impact transforms natural landscapes. It will address topics like invasive species, urban wildlife, and the balance between conservation and coexistence. The EU Platform work will be presented as part of an organised session by the secretariat. More information on the event and agenda can be found on their website.
Conferences and summits: EUSO Stakeholder Forum
Healthy soils are essential for achieving climate neutrality, halting the loss of biodiversity and providing healthy food. However, more than 60% of the EU’s soils are subject to one or more soil degradation processes. The recently updated Soil Health Dashboard, developed by the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) shows the location and estimates the extent of soil degradation processes in the European Union (EU). The proposed Soil Monitoring Law aims to make soil health monitoring obligatory, provides guiding principles for sustainable soil management and addresses situations where soil contamination poses unacceptable health and environment risks.The 4th EUSO Stakeholders Forum will be an opportunity for anyone interested in soils to update and exchange on various themes including latest developments in soil policy and the state of soils in Europe and beyond. The Stakeholders Forum of 2024 will focus on five main topics:1 - Status and prospects of the Soil Monitoring Law2 - Launch of the report State of soils in Europe3 - Global perspective of soil health policies4 - Launch of the EUSO Working Group on nutrients5 - Soil literacy and Soil Sciences and Arts
Partner meetings: Tourism stakeholder event
In February 2022, the European Commission published the Transition Pathway for Tourism
- its guiding framework for the green and digital transition of the tourism ecosystem. Since then, tourism stakeholders have been welcome to share their concrete actions and targets through the online call for pledges. The fifth set of pledges was recently published on the Commission’s dedicated website
, featuring over 500 inspiring examples from across Europe and beyond. As of September 2024, the collection and publication of pledges will migrate to the Stakeholder Support Platform.Read our summary report
on the fifth round of pledges and commitments, published in August [email protected]
Conferences and summits: From the Danube source to Black Sea – Healthy Waters and healthy life
The Conference will also include other key actors from the wider Black Sea communities including an Operational Network of Funders, existing networks in the Danube area, like ICPDR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River), and the BioEast initiative to bring together all regional actors from the Danube and Black Sea region (including Ukraine). On the afternoon before the conference (14:00 – 18:00 on 14 October) at the same venue in Burgas, there is a workshop on “Nature-Based Solutions Implementation and Policy Recommendations for the Danube and Black Sea Region”. More information
Training and workshops: Workshop: Import requirements of the EU Methane Regulation
This Directorate General for Energy (DG ENER) workshop will gather European Commission representatives and stakeholders to provide information and address questions on the import requirements of the EU Methane Regulation, published on 15 July 2024.The same workshop will be held on 2 different daysThe EU Methane regulation is the first in the world to regulate methane emissions from imports.It requires importers of oil, gas and coal into the EU for all the contracts that importers have concluded or renewed with exporters to the EU since entry into force of the Regulation toContracts concluded before the entry into force of the regulation are also subject to those obligations, but importers only need to prove they have applied all reasonable efforts to obtain the information.Failure to meet the requirements of the regulation will not be in terms of a ban on placing oil, gas, or coal in the EU market but in terms of penalties such as periodic penalty payments, fines and disgorgement of profits, set by EU countries for infringements of the regulation occurring in their jurisdiction. Penalties will have to be set at levels which are effective, proportionate, and dissuasive.Connect to the workshop on 15 OctoberConnect to the workshop on 17 October
Training and workshops: Translation apps in a professional context; how can vocational education contribute to a responsible and ethical use of them?
During this interactive workshop for teachers in vocational education, we will take a closer look at the risks and opportunities of AI translation apps. By exploring real-life cases from the healthcare, legal, marketing and communication sectors, teachers will learn how to teach students to use translation apps responsibly and effectively in their future profession.The workshop is an offspring of a research project of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics and the lectorate Professional Communication in a Digitalizing Society of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences Maastricht, which led to a ‘machine translation literacy framework’.Book your seat, 3 days left to register, registration will end on Friday 11 October 2024, 12:00 (CEST)
Conferences and summits: InfoPoint conference: World Food Day - Team Europe committed to support healthy diets and nutrition
Food and nutrition security is at the heart of priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in this second half of 2024. Dr Katalin Freier, President (CODEV-PI) of the Hungarian Permanent Representation, will present the unfolding Council Conclusions on food and nutrition security scheduled for December 2024, and Hungary's vision and key principles in this domain. The European Commission, represented by Mr Leonard Mizzi and Helena Guarin, will then present the main findings of the eighth progress report of the EU Nutrition Action Plan that take stock of the EUR 2.5 billion EU financial commitments since the pledges made at the N4G Tokyo 2021 and the commitment taken in London to reduce the number of children affected by stunting of 7 million between 2012 and 2025. Examples will be shared on approaches adopted through the Global Gateway initiative and various EU tools to bring about the transformative changes needed to contribute to offer sustainably a healthy diet and improve the strategic autonomy of partner countries in their food and nutrition security. Netherland will present the results and lessons learnt from their Public-Private Partnership projects connecting agri-food production and nutrition. It will be then followed by a discussion led by FAO represented by Raschad Al Khafaji on their role together with other Rome-based agencies to support investments in nutrition-sensitive agriculture and healthy diet and the tools they developed to achieve it.As host of the Olympic Games, France is also responsible for organising the next Nutrition For Growth (N4G) Summit. This event will take place in March 2025 in Paris and is supported by the EU in a Team Europe Approach. In particular, it aims to put nutrition at the centre of the sustainable development agenda and make the fight against all forms of malnutrition a universal cause. Mrs Louise Burdloff, form France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will present the goals, scope of the N4G and the mains steps that will lead to the Summit. Language: EnglishQ&A session languages: English and FrenchRegister for onsite participation at the InfoPoint premisesRegister for online participation to the Webex meeting (Webex link will be communicated upon registration)Read the privacy statement.
Partner meetings: 25 years of breast cancer research: Past, present and future
The EU Health Policy Platform is hosting a live webinar on October 16, 2024, from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST, to mark International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Co-hosted by the Breast International Group BIG and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Breast Cancer Group EORTC BCG, the free webinar will discuss advancements in breast cancer research, significant milestones, current challenges, and future directions in treatment. The agenda includes presentations from notable experts, including Professor David Cameron, who will introduce the session and discuss the achievements of BIG, as well as topics on liquid biopsies, the EU cancer mission, and the importance of patient perspectives. A QA session will follow, and the webinar will be recorded. Participants are encouraged to register in advance and will receive a calendar invitation upon registration. For inquiries, attendees can contact the provided email.
Training and workshops: She translates
Comunidad de Madrid
The National Library celebrates the "Day of women writers" on this week, and the workshop ''She translates" will be part of it."She translates" will showcase the work of women translators in different contexts: from literature translation to videogames localization or blockbuster movies subtitling, professionals in the field will talk about their experiences and research, explaining how women have contributed to the profession and dispelling some myths (videogames are not only for boys!).
Conferences and summits: CISE High Level Event
The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), assisted by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), is organising the high-level event that will take place in Brussels on 17 October 2024.The CISE high-level event will be the opportunity for EU policy makers, EU Agencies, Member State representatives and other stakeholders to stake stock of the progress of CISE, but also to exchange views on its future developments in the light of growing threats in the maritime domain.
Conferences and summits: Workshop on EU Paris-aligned and EU Climate Transition benchmarks
The aim of the event is to hold a general exchange on the successes and shortcomings of the EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks, which entered into application four years ago. The event will offer the chance to explore opportunities to improve the regulatory framework to foster the use of these benchmark labels, in order to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy and help align investment strategies with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.The event aims to bring together different categories of stakeholders, such as benchmark administrators, asset managers, pension funds, insurance companies and academia. The focus will be on gathering insights about the role that EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks played in promoting sustainable investments, whether these labels helped promote best practices outside the EU and looking at the key challenges in designing these indices or in terms of performance (e.g. tracking error compared to parent indices).If multiple registrations per organisation have been received for physical presence, we would limit the physical representation to a single person per organisation. Others are welcome to follow the event online.Registration for physical attendance is now closed because we have reached maximum capacity for the event room.You can however still register for online attendance.Register for online attendanceThe event will be web streamed. The web stream links will be available here soon.
Partner meetings: 6th meeting of the Equality Platform
Comunidad de Madrid
The 6th Equality Platform for the energy sector meeting will take place in Madrid, Spain, where Redeia, one of the Platform’s members, will host the discussions.On Day 1, Redeia organises a visit to the Reina Sofía Museum, followed by a dinner. The Platform meeting takes place the following morning and, as usual, it will focus on a topical discussion on equality matters, followed by a discussion of the operations and new projects of the Equality Platform.Members who would like to register for the meeting (in person or online), please contact us by email: [email protected] you would like to become a member, see how to apply for membership as full member or signatory.For social media: #EqualEnerEU
Expert meetings: 5th EU Carbon Removals Expert Group meeting
In October, the next Expert Group meeting will take place online to discuss the following: Agenda Web stream
Info days: EURegionsWeek close to you webinar
The Support service for citizen-led renovation projects is collaborating with the EU-funded LIFE Programme project RENOVERTY to organise a EURegionsWeek close to you webinar on 21 October 2024, 10.30-12.00.Buildings account for over a third of the EU's GHG emissions and energy demand, yet they must become energy efficient and carbon neutral by 2050. Towards this goal, this webinar seeks to explore the initiatives that can empower communities and assist households in taking on energy renovations in buildings, thereby reducing their energy demand and emissions.From understanding the journeys that existing and aspiring energy communities have taken to becoming prosumers and key stakeholders in the movement towards decarbonising urban areas to the implementation of building renovation activities leveraging energy communities in rural contexts, this session will showcase best practices of how energy communities can work towards achieving the Fit-for-55 goals across various geographic settings.Follow along as our panelists discuss the benefits, barriers, and future opportunities of energy communities in the EU, and engage with our experts in an open discussion.The session will be moderated by Mara Oprea, IEECP. Keynote on the importance of energy communities in advancing the EU’s decarbonization goals and increasing consumer autonomy, along with an introduction to the support service for citizen-led renovation projectsJulien Tami, Policy Officer, Unit B3, Buildings and Products, DG Energy, European Commission Short presentations by panelistsStephanie Dickenson, Project Expert, Triple SEC – Presentation on the existing Triple SEC energy community and pilot from the support service for citizen-led renovation projects about the lessons learned and future activitiesMihail Georgiev, Founder, Izgrei – Presentation on the existing Izgrei energy community and pilot from the support service for citizen-led renovation projects about the lessons learned and future activities.Raquel Rodriguez Martinez, CEO/Project Manager, ECOSERVEIS – Presentation on the practical implementation of renovation actions via energy communities, based on collaborations within the RENOVERTY project. Panel discussion and Q&A session with audienceDiscussion based on the previous short presentations on the benefits, barriers, and future opportunities of energy communities in the E
Training and workshops: AI Act and AI impact on the future of translation: risks and advantages
This online workshop will cover the latest developments in AI and its impact on translation, by examining benefits and challenges. Speakers will explore the matter from the perspective of legislation, translation training and language diversity. No registration required.The zoom link.
Training and workshops: Getting ready for the European green bond standard - Stakeholder workshop
The European green bond standard
is a new tool designed to open up opportunities for issuers and investors. The aim is to create a gold standard for green bonds and support the financing of assets needed for the low‑carbon transition.The standard, which is voluntary, will be available to issuers as of 21 December 2024. It relies on the detailed criteria of the EU taxonomy
to define green economic activities, ensures high levels of transparency and creates an EU‑level registration and supervision system for companies carrying out pre‑ and post‑issuance reviews of issuers’ disclosures. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will be supervising these external reviewers.To raise awareness of the European green bond standard and to support its application and use, the European Commission is organising a technical workshop for stakeholders. The event will take place online only and is aimed at supporting prospective issuers, investors, external reviewers and other market participants, as well as national supervisors. The objective is to enable an interactive discussion, addressing legal and practical issues linked to the use of the new standard.If you are interested in participating, please register by 18 October 2024, midnight CEST. When registering, we would encourage you to submit any specific questions or topics you would like to raise during the workshop in the appropriate text box of the registration form.Register for the workshopWatch live on 22 OctoberAttendees will be able to interact via Slido. To do so, please scan the QR code or use the link and meeting number below.You will be able to vote in polls and use the Q&A function to put questions to the speakers during the workshop.And you can already send us your questions ahead of the event!slido.com #3588 036https://app.sli.do/event/fN96zBV16yiuMjuhNpCmn3
Training and workshops: 2nd Safe and Sustainable by Design boot camp
Κεντρική Μακεδονία
The participants will learn how to apply in practice the concepts and assessment methods described in the SSbD framework (i.e. hazard assessment, exposure assessment, risk assessment, environmental sustainability assessment, and social and economic sustainability assessment) with various levels of data availability (data poor and data rich chemicals, “dry-run” with minimal available data), representing the various stages of innovation in the development phase of chemicals and materials.In the breakout sessions participants will work in small groups in the application of case studies using the PARC SSbD toolbox and get familiar with its functionalities. In the last day, presentation by the groups on their learnings and their user experience will be presented and discussed.How to apply?By sending:To: [email protected] for submissions: 15 July 2024Applications will be evaluated by field experts and decisions on successful applicants will be announced via email by end of July 2024.Participation in the PARC SSbD Boot Camp is free of charge. However, participants will need to cover the costs of their travel and accommodation.
Training and workshops: Salerner Herd Protection Days in South Tyrol
The Herd Protection Days will take place from 24-25 October 2024 in Salern, South Tyrol. They are part of the EU-LIFE project LIFEstockProtect and focus on shepherds and their work with livestock. Book your seat, 5 days left to register, registration will end on Thursday 10 October 2024, 09:00 (CEST)
Training and workshops: Impact of the digital transformation on the translation industry
This 2024 Translating Europe workshop will focus on the human factor in times of AI and will enlighten participants on which consequences the digital transformation has had for the translation industry and the individual translator. The workshop includes presentations from translation agencies, translators and academia, describing the development from different perspectives – and provides a rich opportunity for participants to exchange experience on key themes and ask questions.The workshop will be webstreamed and the link will be published some days before the event.
Training and workshops: 20th Slovak Terminology Network Conference: Legacy and Prospects
Bratislavský kraj
The 20th conference of the Slovak Terminology Network seeks to offer a dynamic exploration of Slovak linguistic evolution since EU accession, focusing on the development of terminology, the Slovak language, and the impact of AI tools. Co-organized by DG TRAD of the European Parliament, and the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, this Translating Europe Workshop is unique in connecting the language services of these three institutions with local stakeholders.
Training and workshops: Workshop: Sustainable finance, the way forward
The importance of sustainable finance in today’s economic landscape cannot be over-stated, as it intersects economic prosperity, environmental preservation, and societal well-being. There is a growing consensus that the global economy is inseparably linked to the health and vitality of our environment and that our socio-economic dependency on the environment and its ecosystems can lead to vulnerabilities. At the same time that human and business activities pose significant threats to planetary resources, sectors like oil and gas, food, forestry, insurance, and real estate are particularly susceptible to risks arising from regulatory changes, shifts in agricultural productivity, and depletion of natural resources. The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) —a key player in linking environmental challenges with economic risks— co-organises, together with the The Accounting and Finance Group at the University of Padua, the "Sustainable finance, the way forward" workshop: an event that aims to prompt a reflection over questions, issues and inquiries about opportunities and challenges in sustainable finance, focusing on key areas including measurement and reporting, valuation, policies, and markets.More info, paper submission and registration
Training and workshops: Roadmap for phasing out animal testing in chemical safety assessments: second workshop
This second workshop will be another opportunity to discuss certain elements of the roadmap with Member States and stakeholders, as they are being developed by the Commission Inter-service Steering Group and 3 specific working groups. Our event is an opportunity for all stakeholders interested in the process to get involved. We plan to discuss critical elements in developing, validating and implementing non-animal methods and their uptake across chemical legislation. More information on non-animal testing
Training and workshops: Save the date - 2nd workshop on Roadmap towards phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessments
The workshop follows on from the first held in December 2023, related to the Communication from the Commission on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Save cruelty-free cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing” (25.7.2023, COM(2023)5041).In this Communication, the Commission committed to developing a roadmap towards ultimately phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessments. The roadmap will outline milestones and specific actions that would be prerequisites for a transition towards animal-free chemical legislation. This second workshop is an opportunity for all stakeholders interested in the process to get involved. We plan to discuss critical elements related to developing, validating and implementing non-animal methods and their uptake across chemical legislation.Registration for the workshop is open until 11 October. Participation is free of charge.A draft agenda will be made available closer to the time.Book your seat, 1 week left to register, registration will end on Friday 11 October 2024, 23:59 (CEST)
Conferences and summits: 6th Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors
The 6th Annual Forum on endocrine disruptors will be a hybrid conference, with the possibility for remote participants to interact during the event. The conference will be in English, with interpretation in at least German, Spanish, French and Italian.Due to limited room capacity, the European Commission reserves the right to refuse participation requests above that capacity, taking into consideration the order of registrations and the objective of ensuring a balanced representation of stakeholders.The virtual link will be sent to registered virtual participants the day before the event via email.Please note that the event will be web-streamed and that the recordings will remain accessible after the event, as well as photos taken at the event. Your participation in the Forum will be considered as your acceptance of the use of these images during and after the event. All programme details, including the speakers and schedule, can be found in the document below.For further information, please contact the organisation team by email at:- [email protected]
Training and workshops: Atlas of the Human Planet 2024 launch event
We live today in an age of fast societal transformation, where humans are having far-reaching impacts on planet earth.At the eve of a new Commission, the launch event of the Atlas of the Human Planet 2024 will be an occasion to discuss the tensions between the need for sustainable development of the global South while staying within the planetary boundaries.The geography of humans on the planet defines many issues of security, environment, economics and equality. The diversity of cities and rural areas also offers models for the change necessary to adapt to a changing climate and geopolitical landscape.Knowing where people live and work is of key importance for efforts to address major current and future societal challenges. Realising these efforts presupposes that we have access to detailed information on human settlements and population, and that information must be global.This demand for information is addressed by the JRC's Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) spatial database, which includes the key variables of population density, built-up surface, and settlement types, the latter including cities, towns and semi-dense areas, and rural areas.
Training and workshops: Clear language – necessity or luxury?
This workshop will explore how clear language makes written documents more accessible for everyone, particularly when it comes to various products and services.
Training and workshops: Careers with Irish in the EU institutions
Interested in a career with Irish at the heart of Europe? Sign up for our seminar and practical translation and interpretation workshops to learn about your options and get a taste of the work you could be doing.More details will be published in September.
Conferences and summits: 5th PCI Energy Days
This edition of the PCI Energy Days is dedicated to the practical implementation of Projects of Common Interest and of Projects of Mutual Interest. We invite representatives of EU country administrations, regulators, grid operators and project promoters to meet with the industry, civil society and the wider financing community to discuss and share successful examples of how they have overcome some of the most pressing challenges in building and modernising the energy infrastructure needed to meet the EU’s 2030 climate and energy targets.The event takes place over 2 days and features a policy conference focusing on the most critical aspects of speeding up large-scale energy infrastructure, notably cross-border cooperation practices between promoters and authorities, permitting experiences, attracting finance, addressing procurement challenges and seizing opportunities for a collaborative approach to planning grids with and for local communities. A PCI Garden, open during the entire event, will offer project promoters, research centres and other stakeholders the opportunity to showcase their projects in an effort to provide the audience with a snapshot of the successful track record of the EU’s energy infrastructure policy in the past decade.Commissioner Kadri Simson will open the event, which will be chaired by Director-General Ditte Juul Jørgensen. The Commission will follow up on the 10th Energy Infrastructure Forum in Copenhagen, organised under its patronage in late June, discussing how to speed up the modernisation and construction of key infrastructure in the face of current global challenges, including those targeted in the EU Action Plan for Grids launched during last year’s edition. The event will highlight the achievements of an interconnected energy market and revisit our ambition to accelerate the necessary deployment of offshore renewables, smart grids, hydrogen infrastructure and CO2 networks in an integrated approach.For social media: #PCIdaysEU and #CEFEnergyFor inquiries, participants can contact: [email protected] is onsite only, but the event will be live web-streamed on DG Energy’s YouTube channel on both daysBook your seat, 2 weeks left to register, registration will end on Thursday 24 October 2024, 09:00 (CEST)
Partner meetings: Implementation and Enforcement: Presentation of annual report
The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on the 4th consolidated annual report on the Implementation and Enforcement of EU Trade Policy.
Partner meetings: From Theory to Practice: Implementing the EU Health Technology Assessment Regulation
Join us for a half-day stakeholder event focused on the implementation of the European Union's Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation
. The event will bring together key stakeholders from France and Germany, including national HTA administrators and representatives from national stakeholders such as patient associations, health professionals, scientific societies, industry representatives, national decision-makers and regional health authorities.Date and time: Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 9:00 – 12:30 CETThis event is part of a series of regional information events that have been organised across the EU by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Food Safety and the Heads of HTA Agencies Group (HAG), together with national HTA agencies.At the event in Paris, the European Commission will provide an overview of the new EU HTA Regulation. This will be followed by panel discussions, featuring local speakers who will discuss key topics related to the implementation of the regulation. The event will be held in English with interpretation in German and French.The panels will cover the following topics, among others to be discussed:The panel discussion will include time for Q&A and audience participation, with the opportunity to engage in lively and constructive discussions.The detailed programme will be published closer to the date of the event.At this event, stakeholders from France and Germany will be prioritised as attendees. Participants at the onsite location have already been selected and invited as spaces at the venue are very limited. All other stakeholders are invited to join the event online and register here to receive the link to the web streaming:This event is organised in partnership withMinistry of Work, Health and Solidarity, FranceHaute Autorité de santé (HAS), FranceFederal Ministry of Health, GermanyGemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (Federal Joint Committee, G-BA), GermanyInstitut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (Foundation for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care; IQWiG), Germany
111 results
Il Comune di Collevecchio al Parlamento europeo
Il prossimo 11 ottobre 2024 a partire dalle ore 14:30 una delegazione del Comune di Collevecchio appartenenti a diverse classi di età e diversi livelli di istruzione parteciperà alla simulazione dei lavori parlamentari del Parlamento europeo presso il Centro Esperienza Europa - David Sassoli del Parlamento europeo a Roma in Piazza Venezia, 6.
Si tratta della prima volta che un comune di piccole dimensioni partecipa ad una simile esperienza immersiva solitamente dedicata alle scuole.
I lavori saranno preceduti dai saluti istituzionali di Carlo CORAZZA, Capo Ufficio di collegamento del Parlamento europeo in Italia, della Vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo Antonella SBERNA, dell’Assessore al Personale, Polizia locale, Enti locali, Sicurezza urbana, Università della Regione Lazio Luisa REGIMENTI e del Sindaco di Collevecchio Federico VITTORI.
Seguiranno gli interventi tematici a cura di Tiziana CIAVARDINI, Antropologa culturale, giornalista e conduttrice televisiva, Francesco MONACO, Capo Dipartimento Supporto ai Comuni e Studi politiche europee dell’IFEL e Vanni RESTA, Consigliere comunale del Comune di Collevecchio nonché docente della Sapienza Università di Roma ed esperto di europrogettazione.
Successivamente, i cittadini presenti all’evento saranno invitati a vestire i panni degli Europarlamentari in una simulazione del processo legislativo ordinario del Parlamento europeo realizzata in un gioco di ruolo che prevede la discussione nelle Commissioni Ambiente e Diritti Civili. Questo esercizio verrà introdotto da Ilaria GARAMPI, Responsabile del Centro Esperienza Europa – David Sassoli che illustrerà lo svolgimento dell’iter e le diverse tappe del processo legislativo per l’approvazione di Direttive europee dalla consultazione dei gruppi d’interesse con la costituzione di alleanze politiche fino alla negoziazione con le altre due Istituzioni componenti il cosiddetto “trilogo”: Commissione europea e Consiglio europeo.
Rapporto del gruppo di esperti sulla valutazione intermedia di Horizon Europe
La Commissione europea organizza il 16 ottobre l’evento di lancio del rapporto del gruppo di esperti sulla valutazione intermedia di Horizon Europe. Il gruppo di esperti, presieduto dal Professor Manuel Heitor, condividerà intuizioni e raccomandazioni per aiutare il programma Horizon Europe ad adattarsi alle sfide emergenti, migliorare la sua attrattiva per ricercatori e innovatori e massimizzare il valore del programma durante il restante periodo della sua attuazione.
Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition MOC 2024
From 20 to 22 of October 2024, will take place the event "Mediterranean Offshore Conference and Exhibition MOC 2024", under the patronage of the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, and in collaboration with IES Group and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). With the strategic importance of the metropolitan city of Alexandria, in the heart of the Mediterranean region, the realm of the energy industry and offshore activities, and at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe, MOC emerged as a leading technical platform that links and addresses all regional energy activities, bringing relevant stakeholders to explore the vast energy potentials the Mediterranean region holds.
Data Architecture Conference
Il 15 ottobre 2024, a Milano, si svolgerà la Data Architecture Conference, organizzata da Soiel International. Le tematiche affrontate: le Cloud Data Platform e la Data Integration, la Data Governance e la Data Protection: come cambiano le architetture ICT per supportare il Real time Data Driven Business.
Pagina ufficiale
Real Estate: l'approccio data driven alla gestione degli spazi
Il 17 ottobre 2024, online, si svolgerà la web conference Real Estate: l'approccio data driven alla gestione degli spazi, organizzata da Soiel International. Tra i temi focus:
Lo stato dell'arte della Building Automation e tecnologie IoT
Il ruolo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nell'interpretazione dei dati
Il Bim al servizio dello space planning
Pagina ufficiale
Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale
Il 22 ottobre 2024, a Torino, tornerà il roadshow Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale, il programma di incontri territoriali che da 15 anni offre un'occasione di incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per la Security e la protezione delle informazioni aziendali.
Pagina ufficiale
Datacenter Experience
Il 22 ottobre 2024, a Torino, si svolgerà il convegno Datacenter Experience - Efficienza, sicurezza, sostenibilità e continuità per il nuovo business digitale, organizzato da Soiel International, e da16 anni un'occasione d’incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per le infrastrutture IT.
Pagina ufficiale
Fabbrica 5.0 - Sostenibile, Digitale e Collaborativa
Il 5 novembre 2024, online, si terrà il webinar Fabbrica 5.0 - Sostenibile, Digitale e Collaborativa, organizzato da Soiel International, dedicato al mondo della Fabbrica Digitale. La conferenza alternerà testimonianze da parte dell'utenza al racconto degli operatori del mercato delle soluzioni oggi disponibili.
Pagina ufficiale
Urban Mobility Conference - La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale
Il 7 novembre 2024, a Roma, tornerà il convegno/roadshow Urban Mobility Conference - La nuova mobilità urbana nella smart city: sostenibile, multimodale, sicura e digitale, organizzato da Soiel International, che dal 2021 pone al centro del dibattito i temi dell’evoluzione della mobilità urbana.
Pagina ufficiale
OLMeet | Officelayout Meeting and Talk
Il 14 novembre 2024, a Roma, si svolgerà il convegno OLMeet | Officelayout Meeting and Talk - Parole, immagini e suggestioni per l’ufficio che verrà, organizzato dalla rivista Officelayout come momento di approfondimento e confronto sulle tendenze in atto nella progettazione degli edifici del terziario e nello space planning dei nuovi luoghi del lavoro.
Pagina ufficiale
Sanità Digitale
Il 20 novembre 2024, a Roma, tornerà la nuova edizione del convegno con area espositiva Sanità Digitale - La Sanità di prossimità, la collaborazione Pubblico e Privato, le opportunità del digitale e la tutela della privacy. Un convegno in sessione plenaria, costruito con i contributi di società del mondo della domanda, dell’offerta, della consulenza e della ricerca, e un’area espositiva prevista per agevolare il contatto fra i visitatori e le aziende presenti e facilitare convivialità durante i momenti di ristoro.
Pagina ufficiale
Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Application
Il 27 novembre 2024, a Milano, tornerà il convegno annuale Intelligenza Artificiale e Business Application - Le forme dell’Intelligenza Artificiale applicata al Business, organizzato da Soiel International. Tra i temi al centro del convegno:
Come costruire valore in un progetto di Intelligenza Artificiale
La governance dei progetti di Intelligenza Artificiale
I nuovi ecosistemi d’offerta
Le infrastrutture abilitanti
Gli ambiti di applicazioni business dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (Customer Experience, Document Management, Analytics, Cybersecurity, ecc.)
Pagina ufficiale
Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale - Bologna
Il 4 dicembre 2024, a Bologna, tornerà il roadshow Sicurezza ICT - Proteggere il business nell’era del digitale, il programma di incontri territoriali che da 15 anni offre un'occasione di incontro e confronto fra domanda e offerta di soluzioni per la Security e la protezione delle informazioni aziendali.
Pagina ufficiale
Digital Italy Summit 2024
Dal 12 al 14 novembre 2024, a Roma, si terrà l'evento organizzato da The Innovation Group "Digital Italy Summit 2024", alla sua nona edizione. L'evento sarà un'occasione per i Leader delle Imprese del Mondo Digitale per condividere le loro visioni, anticipare le loro strategie di impresa e presentare le loro tecnologie innovative al nostro mercato.
Pagina ufficiale
Partner meetings: How to talk about mental health in the media – a short introduction for journalists
Do you know how to talk about mental health in your reporting? Are you aware of the impact of your profession on your mental health? Do you ever notice stigma about talking about mental health problems at work or at home? Have you seen discrimination against someone with a mental health issue? This webinar will introduce you to mental health specialists explaining modern approaches and understanding of mental health, the causes and effects of stigma and discrimination, and your role as a journalist in overcoming both. By the end of this session, you should feel better equipped to talk about and report on mental health issues.
Conferences and summits: 4th Industrial Carbon Management Forum
The ICM Forum (previously known as the CCUS Forum) brings together stakeholders from industry, EU countries, EU institutions, NGOs, academia and others to discuss how to make the deployment of industrial carbon management projects a reality in Europe.This year’s Forum will be co-hosted by the Commission and the French Ministry in charge of Energy in a hybrid mode from Pau, France on 10-11 October 2024. It will be an opportunity to discuss the implementation of the Commission’s Communication on Industrial Carbon Management as well as other policy developments, which aims to help facilitate the creation of a single market for CO2 in Europe and the deployment of industrial carbon management technologies.Building on the activities of the working groups, the ICM Forum will include stakeholders’ discussions on public awareness, the opportunities of carbon capture and utilisation, the challenges of CO2 transport infrastructure and CO2 standardisation.Among other distinguished speakers, Commissioner Kadri Simson will be present to open the Forum.Last year’s edition gathered more than 450 in-person participants in Aalborg, Denmark, and up to 1 400 participants connected online. We hope to have even more participants this year!The livestream link will be available closer to the date.For social media: #ICMForumTo access the registration platform, you will need to use or create an EU Login account .Please note that the capacity of the venue is limited. Your registration to the event is only confirmed upon receipt of an email from the organisers specifically confirming your participation. The email acknowledging your submission of the registration form is NOT a confirmation of your participation.Register here
Conferences and summits: Building strong local and regional capacity with EU technical support
How can we address the growing mismatch between responsibilities and resources? What makes a successful reform project at the local and regional levels? The Mons Declaration highlights the essential role of cities and regions in Europe's resilience and growth. Similarly, the ComPAct underscores the importance of local and regional administrations in implementing policies and delivering services to citizens. As part of the #EURegionsWeek, we invite practitioners to collaborate on creating a vision for impactful local and regional reform projects.In this mini conference, we will discuss developing robust institutional reform projects that enhance the quality and resilience of local and regional public administrations. During the three-hour session, we will demonstrate how to define problems, adopt a systemic approach, build partnerships, involve stakeholders, achieve impact, and leverage results. We will share good practice examples and provide hands-on design guidance in an interactive format.The event brings together practitioners from the local and regional administrations of all the Member States.
Training and workshops: Sustaining Productivity Growth in the Twin Transition
This workshop will highlight the challenges and opportunities to productivity growth of managing the twin transition. Transitioning the economy from fossil fuels towards clean energy sources is a major policy challenge at the core of the green transition. At the same time, advances in digital technologies are rapidly changing production processes for goods and services across different sectors in the economy. These have critical implications in terms of productivity and ultimately economic growth. The workshop will draw on recent outputs from the OECD under the MapProdIGIS project (Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth, Inclusion and Sustainability), supported by the European Commission. It will present latest evidence from two of the key pillars of the project: technology adoption and diffusion, and sustainability. The workshop will conclude with a policy panel to better understand how policy makers can ensure a twin transition that best harnesses economic growth.*** This is hybrid event ***
Partner meetings: Webinar on stigma related to mental health
The European Commission, in collaboration with Mental Health Europe and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, is hosting a webinar on October 10, 2024, to address stigma related to mental health issues. This initiative follows the European Commission's comprehensive approach to mental health, which emphasizes the need to combat stigma, a significant barrier that exacerbates mental health challenges and leads to marginalization and exclusion. The webinar will feature experts with lived experiences, presentations on an EU support package and the WHO's Mosaic toolkit aimed at reducing stigma, and discussions among policymakers, stakeholders, and citizens. Participants are encouraged to register for the event, which will take place online from 14:00 to 15:30 CET.
Conferences and summits: Copernicus Emergency Management Service Annual Conference
You're invited to the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) annual conference to discover how CEMS can help raise awareness of natural hazards, contribute to disaster risk strategies or help strengthen policy.During the morning session, we will show how CEMS has been collaborating with European Commission Directorates-General, Member and Participating States, and the international community, by delivering early-warning and monitoring insights on floods, wildfires and droughts.You'll discover how detailed, high-resolution emergency maps are helping to assess risks, prepare and react to disasters like earthquakes, cyclones and landslides; also how CEMS systems help identify hazard-vulnerable populations and support resilient urban planning.In the afternoon, you'll be able to join hands-on workshops and learn how to source, personalise and use CEMS data.
Conferences and summits: Pathways Europe conference
Registrations are open for the Pathways Europe 2024 Conference “Revisiting What is Wild for Coexisting” that will take place from 13-16 October 2024 in Córdoba, Spain. The conference examines the shifting concept of "wild" in the Anthropocene era, where human impact transforms natural landscapes. It will address topics like invasive species, urban wildlife, and the balance between conservation and coexistence. The EU Platform work will be presented as part of an organised session by the secretariat. More information on the event and agenda can be found on their website.
Conferences and summits: EUSO Stakeholder Forum
Healthy soils are essential for achieving climate neutrality, halting the loss of biodiversity and providing healthy food. However, more than 60% of the EU’s soils are subject to one or more soil degradation processes. The recently updated Soil Health Dashboard, developed by the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) shows the location and estimates the extent of soil degradation processes in the European Union (EU). The proposed Soil Monitoring Law aims to make soil health monitoring obligatory, provides guiding principles for sustainable soil management and addresses situations where soil contamination poses unacceptable health and environment risks.The 4th EUSO Stakeholders Forum will be an opportunity for anyone interested in soils to update and exchange on various themes including latest developments in soil policy and the state of soils in Europe and beyond. The Stakeholders Forum of 2024 will focus on five main topics:1 - Status and prospects of the Soil Monitoring Law2 - Launch of the report State of soils in Europe3 - Global perspective of soil health policies4 - Launch of the EUSO Working Group on nutrients5 - Soil literacy and Soil Sciences and Arts
Partner meetings: Tourism stakeholder event
In February 2022, the European Commission published the Transition Pathway for Tourism
- its guiding framework for the green and digital transition of the tourism ecosystem. Since then, tourism stakeholders have been welcome to share their concrete actions and targets through the online call for pledges. The fifth set of pledges was recently published on the Commission’s dedicated website
, featuring over 500 inspiring examples from across Europe and beyond. As of September 2024, the collection and publication of pledges will migrate to the Stakeholder Support Platform.Read our summary report
on the fifth round of pledges and commitments, published in August [email protected]
Conferences and summits: From the Danube source to Black Sea – Healthy Waters and healthy life
The Conference will also include other key actors from the wider Black Sea communities including an Operational Network of Funders, existing networks in the Danube area, like ICPDR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River), and the BioEast initiative to bring together all regional actors from the Danube and Black Sea region (including Ukraine). On the afternoon before the conference (14:00 – 18:00 on 14 October) at the same venue in Burgas, there is a workshop on “Nature-Based Solutions Implementation and Policy Recommendations for the Danube and Black Sea Region”. More information
Training and workshops: Workshop: Import requirements of the EU Methane Regulation
This Directorate General for Energy (DG ENER) workshop will gather European Commission representatives and stakeholders to provide information and address questions on the import requirements of the EU Methane Regulation, published on 15 July 2024.The same workshop will be held on 2 different daysThe EU Methane regulation is the first in the world to regulate methane emissions from imports.It requires importers of oil, gas and coal into the EU for all the contracts that importers have concluded or renewed with exporters to the EU since entry into force of the Regulation toContracts concluded before the entry into force of the regulation are also subject to those obligations, but importers only need to prove they have applied all reasonable efforts to obtain the information.Failure to meet the requirements of the regulation will not be in terms of a ban on placing oil, gas, or coal in the EU market but in terms of penalties such as periodic penalty payments, fines and disgorgement of profits, set by EU countries for infringements of the regulation occurring in their jurisdiction. Penalties will have to be set at levels which are effective, proportionate, and dissuasive.Connect to the workshop on 15 OctoberConnect to the workshop on 17 October
Training and workshops: Translation apps in a professional context; how can vocational education contribute to a responsible and ethical use of them?
During this interactive workshop for teachers in vocational education, we will take a closer look at the risks and opportunities of AI translation apps. By exploring real-life cases from the healthcare, legal, marketing and communication sectors, teachers will learn how to teach students to use translation apps responsibly and effectively in their future profession.The workshop is an offspring of a research project of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics and the lectorate Professional Communication in a Digitalizing Society of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences Maastricht, which led to a ‘machine translation literacy framework’.Book your seat, 3 days left to register, registration will end on Friday 11 October 2024, 12:00 (CEST)
Conferences and summits: InfoPoint conference: World Food Day - Team Europe committed to support healthy diets and nutrition
Food and nutrition security is at the heart of priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in this second half of 2024. Dr Katalin Freier, President (CODEV-PI) of the Hungarian Permanent Representation, will present the unfolding Council Conclusions on food and nutrition security scheduled for December 2024, and Hungary's vision and key principles in this domain. The European Commission, represented by Mr Leonard Mizzi and Helena Guarin, will then present the main findings of the eighth progress report of the EU Nutrition Action Plan that take stock of the EUR 2.5 billion EU financial commitments since the pledges made at the N4G Tokyo 2021 and the commitment taken in London to reduce the number of children affected by stunting of 7 million between 2012 and 2025. Examples will be shared on approaches adopted through the Global Gateway initiative and various EU tools to bring about the transformative changes needed to contribute to offer sustainably a healthy diet and improve the strategic autonomy of partner countries in their food and nutrition security. Netherland will present the results and lessons learnt from their Public-Private Partnership projects connecting agri-food production and nutrition. It will be then followed by a discussion led by FAO represented by Raschad Al Khafaji on their role together with other Rome-based agencies to support investments in nutrition-sensitive agriculture and healthy diet and the tools they developed to achieve it.As host of the Olympic Games, France is also responsible for organising the next Nutrition For Growth (N4G) Summit. This event will take place in March 2025 in Paris and is supported by the EU in a Team Europe Approach. In particular, it aims to put nutrition at the centre of the sustainable development agenda and make the fight against all forms of malnutrition a universal cause. Mrs Louise Burdloff, form France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will present the goals, scope of the N4G and the mains steps that will lead to the Summit. Language: EnglishQ&A session languages: English and FrenchRegister for onsite participation at the InfoPoint premisesRegister for online participation to the Webex meeting (Webex link will be communicated upon registration)Read the privacy statement.
Partner meetings: 25 years of breast cancer research: Past, present and future
The EU Health Policy Platform is hosting a live webinar on October 16, 2024, from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST, to mark International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Co-hosted by the Breast International Group BIG and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Breast Cancer Group EORTC BCG, the free webinar will discuss advancements in breast cancer research, significant milestones, current challenges, and future directions in treatment. The agenda includes presentations from notable experts, including Professor David Cameron, who will introduce the session and discuss the achievements of BIG, as well as topics on liquid biopsies, the EU cancer mission, and the importance of patient perspectives. A QA session will follow, and the webinar will be recorded. Participants are encouraged to register in advance and will receive a calendar invitation upon registration. For inquiries, attendees can contact the provided email.
Training and workshops: She translates
Comunidad de Madrid
The National Library celebrates the "Day of women writers" on this week, and the workshop ''She translates" will be part of it."She translates" will showcase the work of women translators in different contexts: from literature translation to videogames localization or blockbuster movies subtitling, professionals in the field will talk about their experiences and research, explaining how women have contributed to the profession and dispelling some myths (videogames are not only for boys!).
Conferences and summits: CISE High Level Event
The Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), assisted by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), is organising the high-level event that will take place in Brussels on 17 October 2024.The CISE high-level event will be the opportunity for EU policy makers, EU Agencies, Member State representatives and other stakeholders to stake stock of the progress of CISE, but also to exchange views on its future developments in the light of growing threats in the maritime domain.
Conferences and summits: Workshop on EU Paris-aligned and EU Climate Transition benchmarks
The aim of the event is to hold a general exchange on the successes and shortcomings of the EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks, which entered into application four years ago. The event will offer the chance to explore opportunities to improve the regulatory framework to foster the use of these benchmark labels, in order to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy and help align investment strategies with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.The event aims to bring together different categories of stakeholders, such as benchmark administrators, asset managers, pension funds, insurance companies and academia. The focus will be on gathering insights about the role that EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks played in promoting sustainable investments, whether these labels helped promote best practices outside the EU and looking at the key challenges in designing these indices or in terms of performance (e.g. tracking error compared to parent indices).If multiple registrations per organisation have been received for physical presence, we would limit the physical representation to a single person per organisation. Others are welcome to follow the event online.Registration for physical attendance is now closed because we have reached maximum capacity for the event room.You can however still register for online attendance.Register for online attendanceThe event will be web streamed. The web stream links will be available here soon.
Partner meetings: 6th meeting of the Equality Platform
Comunidad de Madrid
The 6th Equality Platform for the energy sector meeting will take place in Madrid, Spain, where Redeia, one of the Platform’s members, will host the discussions.On Day 1, Redeia organises a visit to the Reina Sofía Museum, followed by a dinner. The Platform meeting takes place the following morning and, as usual, it will focus on a topical discussion on equality matters, followed by a discussion of the operations and new projects of the Equality Platform.Members who would like to register for the meeting (in person or online), please contact us by email: [email protected] you would like to become a member, see how to apply for membership as full member or signatory.For social media: #EqualEnerEU
Expert meetings: 5th EU Carbon Removals Expert Group meeting
In October, the next Expert Group meeting will take place online to discuss the following: Agenda Web stream
Info days: EURegionsWeek close to you webinar
The Support service for citizen-led renovation projects is collaborating with the EU-funded LIFE Programme project RENOVERTY to organise a EURegionsWeek close to you webinar on 21 October 2024, 10.30-12.00.Buildings account for over a third of the EU's GHG emissions and energy demand, yet they must become energy efficient and carbon neutral by 2050. Towards this goal, this webinar seeks to explore the initiatives that can empower communities and assist households in taking on energy renovations in buildings, thereby reducing their energy demand and emissions.From understanding the journeys that existing and aspiring energy communities have taken to becoming prosumers and key stakeholders in the movement towards decarbonising urban areas to the implementation of building renovation activities leveraging energy communities in rural contexts, this session will showcase best practices of how energy communities can work towards achieving the Fit-for-55 goals across various geographic settings.Follow along as our panelists discuss the benefits, barriers, and future opportunities of energy communities in the EU, and engage with our experts in an open discussion.The session will be moderated by Mara Oprea, IEECP. Keynote on the importance of energy communities in advancing the EU’s decarbonization goals and increasing consumer autonomy, along with an introduction to the support service for citizen-led renovation projectsJulien Tami, Policy Officer, Unit B3, Buildings and Products, DG Energy, European Commission Short presentations by panelistsStephanie Dickenson, Project Expert, Triple SEC – Presentation on the existing Triple SEC energy community and pilot from the support service for citizen-led renovation projects about the lessons learned and future activitiesMihail Georgiev, Founder, Izgrei – Presentation on the existing Izgrei energy community and pilot from the support service for citizen-led renovation projects about the lessons learned and future activities.Raquel Rodriguez Martinez, CEO/Project Manager, ECOSERVEIS – Presentation on the practical implementation of renovation actions via energy communities, based on collaborations within the RENOVERTY project. Panel discussion and Q&A session with audienceDiscussion based on the previous short presentations on the benefits, barriers, and future opportunities of energy communities in the E
Training and workshops: AI Act and AI impact on the future of translation: risks and advantages
This online workshop will cover the latest developments in AI and its impact on translation, by examining benefits and challenges. Speakers will explore the matter from the perspective of legislation, translation training and language diversity. No registration required.The zoom link.
Training and workshops: Getting ready for the European green bond standard - Stakeholder workshop
The European green bond standard
is a new tool designed to open up opportunities for issuers and investors. The aim is to create a gold standard for green bonds and support the financing of assets needed for the low‑carbon transition.The standard, which is voluntary, will be available to issuers as of 21 December 2024. It relies on the detailed criteria of the EU taxonomy
to define green economic activities, ensures high levels of transparency and creates an EU‑level registration and supervision system for companies carrying out pre‑ and post‑issuance reviews of issuers’ disclosures. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will be supervising these external reviewers.To raise awareness of the European green bond standard and to support its application and use, the European Commission is organising a technical workshop for stakeholders. The event will take place online only and is aimed at supporting prospective issuers, investors, external reviewers and other market participants, as well as national supervisors. The objective is to enable an interactive discussion, addressing legal and practical issues linked to the use of the new standard.If you are interested in participating, please register by 18 October 2024, midnight CEST. When registering, we would encourage you to submit any specific questions or topics you would like to raise during the workshop in the appropriate text box of the registration form.Register for the workshopWatch live on 22 OctoberAttendees will be able to interact via Slido. To do so, please scan the QR code or use the link and meeting number below.You will be able to vote in polls and use the Q&A function to put questions to the speakers during the workshop.And you can already send us your questions ahead of the event!slido.com #3588 036https://app.sli.do/event/fN96zBV16yiuMjuhNpCmn3
Training and workshops: 2nd Safe and Sustainable by Design boot camp
Κεντρική Μακεδονία
The participants will learn how to apply in practice the concepts and assessment methods described in the SSbD framework (i.e. hazard assessment, exposure assessment, risk assessment, environmental sustainability assessment, and social and economic sustainability assessment) with various levels of data availability (data poor and data rich chemicals, “dry-run” with minimal available data), representing the various stages of innovation in the development phase of chemicals and materials.In the breakout sessions participants will work in small groups in the application of case studies using the PARC SSbD toolbox and get familiar with its functionalities. In the last day, presentation by the groups on their learnings and their user experience will be presented and discussed.How to apply?By sending:To: [email protected] for submissions: 15 July 2024Applications will be evaluated by field experts and decisions on successful applicants will be announced via email by end of July 2024.Participation in the PARC SSbD Boot Camp is free of charge. However, participants will need to cover the costs of their travel and accommodation.
Training and workshops: Salerner Herd Protection Days in South Tyrol
The Herd Protection Days will take place from 24-25 October 2024 in Salern, South Tyrol. They are part of the EU-LIFE project LIFEstockProtect and focus on shepherds and their work with livestock. Book your seat, 5 days left to register, registration will end on Thursday 10 October 2024, 09:00 (CEST)
Training and workshops: Impact of the digital transformation on the translation industry
This 2024 Translating Europe workshop will focus on the human factor in times of AI and will enlighten participants on which consequences the digital transformation has had for the translation industry and the individual translator. The workshop includes presentations from translation agencies, translators and academia, describing the development from different perspectives – and provides a rich opportunity for participants to exchange experience on key themes and ask questions.The workshop will be webstreamed and the link will be published some days before the event.
Training and workshops: 20th Slovak Terminology Network Conference: Legacy and Prospects
Bratislavský kraj
The 20th conference of the Slovak Terminology Network seeks to offer a dynamic exploration of Slovak linguistic evolution since EU accession, focusing on the development of terminology, the Slovak language, and the impact of AI tools. Co-organized by DG TRAD of the European Parliament, and the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, this Translating Europe Workshop is unique in connecting the language services of these three institutions with local stakeholders.
Training and workshops: Workshop: Sustainable finance, the way forward
The importance of sustainable finance in today’s economic landscape cannot be over-stated, as it intersects economic prosperity, environmental preservation, and societal well-being. There is a growing consensus that the global economy is inseparably linked to the health and vitality of our environment and that our socio-economic dependency on the environment and its ecosystems can lead to vulnerabilities. At the same time that human and business activities pose significant threats to planetary resources, sectors like oil and gas, food, forestry, insurance, and real estate are particularly susceptible to risks arising from regulatory changes, shifts in agricultural productivity, and depletion of natural resources. The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) —a key player in linking environmental challenges with economic risks— co-organises, together with the The Accounting and Finance Group at the University of Padua, the "Sustainable finance, the way forward" workshop: an event that aims to prompt a reflection over questions, issues and inquiries about opportunities and challenges in sustainable finance, focusing on key areas including measurement and reporting, valuation, policies, and markets.More info, paper submission and registration
Training and workshops: Roadmap for phasing out animal testing in chemical safety assessments: second workshop
This second workshop will be another opportunity to discuss certain elements of the roadmap with Member States and stakeholders, as they are being developed by the Commission Inter-service Steering Group and 3 specific working groups. Our event is an opportunity for all stakeholders interested in the process to get involved. We plan to discuss critical elements in developing, validating and implementing non-animal methods and their uptake across chemical legislation. More information on non-animal testing
Training and workshops: Save the date - 2nd workshop on Roadmap towards phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessments
The workshop follows on from the first held in December 2023, related to the Communication from the Commission on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Save cruelty-free cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing” (25.7.2023, COM(2023)5041).In this Communication, the Commission committed to developing a roadmap towards ultimately phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessments. The roadmap will outline milestones and specific actions that would be prerequisites for a transition towards animal-free chemical legislation. This second workshop is an opportunity for all stakeholders interested in the process to get involved. We plan to discuss critical elements related to developing, validating and implementing non-animal methods and their uptake across chemical legislation.Registration for the workshop is open until 11 October. Participation is free of charge.A draft agenda will be made available closer to the time.Book your seat, 1 week left to register, registration will end on Friday 11 October 2024, 23:59 (CEST)
Conferences and summits: 6th Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors
The 6th Annual Forum on endocrine disruptors will be a hybrid conference, with the possibility for remote participants to interact during the event. The conference will be in English, with interpretation in at least German, Spanish, French and Italian.Due to limited room capacity, the European Commission reserves the right to refuse participation requests above that capacity, taking into consideration the order of registrations and the objective of ensuring a balanced representation of stakeholders.The virtual link will be sent to registered virtual participants the day before the event via email.Please note that the event will be web-streamed and that the recordings will remain accessible after the event, as well as photos taken at the event. Your participation in the Forum will be considered as your acceptance of the use of these images during and after the event. All programme details, including the speakers and schedule, can be found in the document below.For further information, please contact the organisation team by email at:- [email protected]
Training and workshops: Atlas of the Human Planet 2024 launch event
We live today in an age of fast societal transformation, where humans are having far-reaching impacts on planet earth.At the eve of a new Commission, the launch event of the Atlas of the Human Planet 2024 will be an occasion to discuss the tensions between the need for sustainable development of the global South while staying within the planetary boundaries.The geography of humans on the planet defines many issues of security, environment, economics and equality. The diversity of cities and rural areas also offers models for the change necessary to adapt to a changing climate and geopolitical landscape.Knowing where people live and work is of key importance for efforts to address major current and future societal challenges. Realising these efforts presupposes that we have access to detailed information on human settlements and population, and that information must be global.This demand for information is addressed by the JRC's Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL) spatial database, which includes the key variables of population density, built-up surface, and settlement types, the latter including cities, towns and semi-dense areas, and rural areas.
Training and workshops: Clear language – necessity or luxury?
This workshop will explore how clear language makes written documents more accessible for everyone, particularly when it comes to various products and services.
Training and workshops: Careers with Irish in the EU institutions
Interested in a career with Irish at the heart of Europe? Sign up for our seminar and practical translation and interpretation workshops to learn about your options and get a taste of the work you could be doing.More details will be published in September.
Conferences and summits: 5th PCI Energy Days
This edition of the PCI Energy Days is dedicated to the practical implementation of Projects of Common Interest and of Projects of Mutual Interest. We invite representatives of EU country administrations, regulators, grid operators and project promoters to meet with the industry, civil society and the wider financing community to discuss and share successful examples of how they have overcome some of the most pressing challenges in building and modernising the energy infrastructure needed to meet the EU’s 2030 climate and energy targets.The event takes place over 2 days and features a policy conference focusing on the most critical aspects of speeding up large-scale energy infrastructure, notably cross-border cooperation practices between promoters and authorities, permitting experiences, attracting finance, addressing procurement challenges and seizing opportunities for a collaborative approach to planning grids with and for local communities. A PCI Garden, open during the entire event, will offer project promoters, research centres and other stakeholders the opportunity to showcase their projects in an effort to provide the audience with a snapshot of the successful track record of the EU’s energy infrastructure policy in the past decade.Commissioner Kadri Simson will open the event, which will be chaired by Director-General Ditte Juul Jørgensen. The Commission will follow up on the 10th Energy Infrastructure Forum in Copenhagen, organised under its patronage in late June, discussing how to speed up the modernisation and construction of key infrastructure in the face of current global challenges, including those targeted in the EU Action Plan for Grids launched during last year’s edition. The event will highlight the achievements of an interconnected energy market and revisit our ambition to accelerate the necessary deployment of offshore renewables, smart grids, hydrogen infrastructure and CO2 networks in an integrated approach.For social media: #PCIdaysEU and #CEFEnergyFor inquiries, participants can contact: [email protected] is onsite only, but the event will be live web-streamed on DG Energy’s YouTube channel on both daysBook your seat, 2 weeks left to register, registration will end on Thursday 24 October 2024, 09:00 (CEST)
Partner meetings: Implementation and Enforcement: Presentation of annual report
The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on the 4th consolidated annual report on the Implementation and Enforcement of EU Trade Policy.
Partner meetings: From Theory to Practice: Implementing the EU Health Technology Assessment Regulation
Join us for a half-day stakeholder event focused on the implementation of the European Union's Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation
. The event will bring together key stakeholders from France and Germany, including national HTA administrators and representatives from national stakeholders such as patient associations, health professionals, scientific societies, industry representatives, national decision-makers and regional health authorities.Date and time: Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 9:00 – 12:30 CETThis event is part of a series of regional information events that have been organised across the EU by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Food Safety and the Heads of HTA Agencies Group (HAG), together with national HTA agencies.At the event in Paris, the European Commission will provide an overview of the new EU HTA Regulation. This will be followed by panel discussions, featuring local speakers who will discuss key topics related to the implementation of the regulation. The event will be held in English with interpretation in German and French.The panels will cover the following topics, among others to be discussed:The panel discussion will include time for Q&A and audience participation, with the opportunity to engage in lively and constructive discussions.The detailed programme will be published closer to the date of the event.At this event, stakeholders from France and Germany will be prioritised as attendees. Participants at the onsite location have already been selected and invited as spaces at the venue are very limited. All other stakeholders are invited to join the event online and register here to receive the link to the web streaming:This event is organised in partnership withMinistry of Work, Health and Solidarity, FranceHaute Autorité de santé (HAS), FranceFederal Ministry of Health, GermanyGemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (Federal Joint Committee, G-BA), GermanyInstitut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (Foundation for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care; IQWiG), Germany