The Single Market Program 2021-2027 aims to improve the functioning of the European internal market, the competitiveness and sustainability of companies (in particular SMEs), standardization, market surveillance, consumer protection, and management expenditure on plants, animals, and food.
Objectives of the programme
The general goals of the programme are:
to improve the functioning of the internal market and in particular to protect and strengthen the role of citizens, consumers and businesses, especially SMEs, by applying Union law, facilitating access to markets, setting standards and promoting the health of people, animals and plants and animal welfare, as well as promoting cooperation between European and national authorities;
to develop, produce and disseminate high-quality, comparable, timely and reliable European statistics that support the design, monitoring and evaluation of all Union policies;
The program has the following specific objectives:
A) Making the internal market more effective, also in the light of digital transformation:
facilitating the prevention and elimination of discriminatory, unjustified or disproportionate obstacles and supporting the development, implementation and application of Union law in the areas of the internal market for goods and services - including by improving the application of the principle mutual recognition - of public procurement rules, company law and contract and non-contractual law, anti-money laundering rules, rules on free movement of capital, financial services and competition, including by developing user-centered governance tools;
supporting effective market surveillance across the Union to ensure that only safe and compliant products offering a high level of protection for consumers and other end-users are made available on the Union market, even when the sales took place online, as well as to achieve greater homogeneity of market surveillance authorities across the Union, and to increase their capacities....