India - consultancy services for road safety project

|Investments|10 March 2017

India - Photo credit: Aleksandr Zykov via / CC BY-SAThe objective of the assignment is to provide consultancy services to involve local communities into road safety programs.

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The Government of Kerala, through Government of India, obtained a loan from World Bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)towards cost of Kerala State Transport Project II aiming at upgrading 363 km of road sections, road safety management and institutional strengthening. One of key sub component of the project is the Community Participatory Road Safety and Asset Safeguard Program (CPRASP) which is designed to support active user engagement in projects through local communities.

In this context the Government of Kerala intends to apply a portion of this loan to making payments for consultancy services for carrying out above-mentioned tasks. The objective of the assignment is to develop community supported interventions to ensure safety of road users with support and involvement of road users and local communities and engaging them in asset safeguard programs. 

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