EDF-2025-RA-GROUND-CBC: Technologies for counter-battery capabilities

18 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The outcome should contribute to:

  • Develop and increase maturity of innovative technologies specifically adapted to counter-battery systems for all armies of EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries .
  • Develop low-cost and, if needed, expendable alternatives for high-risk missions.
  • Opportunity to find commonalities for generic targeting in depth.
  • Increase EU industry capability to produce counter-battery systems.
  • Consolidate the offer of EU competitive solutions for the global market.
  • Reduce dependencies on non-EU or non-EDF Associated countries suppliers by boosting the EDTIB and promoting the development of a EU solution.

Given that artillery is still responsible for the vast majority of losses suffered by armies facing each other on the battlefield, this call topic aims to explore and mature the technologies required to destroy or neutralise all enemies' artillery potential, thereby ensuring the survival of own forces and safeguarding their operational capacity.

Specific objective

In a changing geopolitical landscape, the armed forces of EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries face new and evolving threats. Artillery is responsible for 70% of combat losses. In this context, the ability to destroy or neutralise enemy artillery capabilities is vital to ensure the survival of land armies.

With the development of mobile manoeuvre concepts for field artillery ("shoot-and-scoot") effective counter-battery fire has become

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