Expected Outcome:
Projects under Topic 4 aim to support reforms and policy impact in Member States in the school education sector and must address one of the following priorities:
- Priority 8: Pathways to school success
- Priority 9: Building sustainability competences
- Priority 10: Support structures and mechanisms for enhancing mobility of teachers
All three priorities are linked to and inspired by the European Education Area (EEA) priorities and relevant recent EU policy documents:
- On inclusive education - Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success and its accompanying Staff Working Document, and Expert Group on supportive learning environments for groups at risk of underachievement and for supporting well-being at school;
- On green education - Council Recommendation on Learning for the green transition and sustainable development and GreenComp, the European Sustainability Competence Framework;
- Promotion of learning mobility of teachers to contribute to their continuous professional development, the attractiveness of the teaching profession and reduce teacher shortages across Europe - Council conclusions on enhancing teachers' and trainers' mobility, in particular European mobility, during their initial and in-service education and training.