HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-11: CCU for the production of fuels

07 February 2025|
Expected Outcome:

Conversion of captured CO2 is not only a means to replace fossil fuels, but also a promising solution for seasonal energy storage. There are still some scientific and technological challenges to overcome to be able to exploit CO2 as a fuel feedstock, the main challenge being that the utilisation of CO2 is limited by the highly energy intensive conversion process.

New solutions for the conversion of captured CO2 from different sources to fuels will create new markets for innovative industrial sectors and diversify the economic base in carbon-intensive regions, as well as contribute to achieving a Circular Economy. The project should evaluate the possibility for industrial CO2 use/reuse through the combination of processes (industrial symbiosis) and the efficient integration of CO2 capture and conversion to combine and/or reduce stages.


Proposals will aim at the development of energy-efficient and economically and environmentally viable CO2 conversion technologies, including energy storage and/or displacement of fossil fuels that allow for upscaling in the short to medium term. Proposals have to define ambitious but achievable targets for energy requirements of the conversion process (including catalytic conversion), production costs and product yields that will be used to monitor project implementation. Proposals have to include the potential for

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