HORIZON-CL6-2024-COMMUNITIES-02-1-two-stage: Innovating for climate-neutral rural communities by 2050

30 January 2025|
Expected Outcome:

The successful proposal will contribute to fostering a sustainable, balanced, equitable and inclusive development of rural areas, supporting the implementation of the long-term vision for the EU's rural areas and its objectives (in particular contributing to stronger and resilient rural areas) and to its flagship initiative "Research and innovation for rural communities", the European Green Deal, in particular the climate pact, the fit for 55 package, the forest and biodiversity strategies, and the new soil strategy as well as the territorial agenda 2030, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and the REPowerEU plan. In addition, proposals will complement the EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, covering sparsely populated areas, and contribute to the objectives of the EU Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe'.

Project results are expected to contribute to all of following expected outcomes:

  • rural communities are empowered and engaged in the green transition and equipped with strategies and innovative solutions to contribute to EU's climate-neutrality objectives (by 2035 and 2050) and benefit from a climate-neutral economy;
  • rural communities take advantage of data, interoperable platforms and digital technologies available to help them meet climate-neutrality objectives, such as dashboards, data visualisation techniques, modelling, digital twins of entire rural communities and tools contributing to
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