HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-04: Support a pragmatic clinical trial programme by cancer charities

05 February 2025|
Expected Outcome:

An important aim of Missions is bringing together various disciplines, sectors and actors, such as philanthropy. Hundreds of cancer charities and foundations across Europe support patient-centred research, including clinical trials.

Pragmatic clinical trials focus on choosing between care options. Pragmatic trials evaluate effectiveness, the effect of treatment in routine (real-world) clinical practice. Some examples include treatment versus active surveillance in patient management, a combination of treatment interventions, determination of optimal dose and dose schedules, de-escalation of treatment intervention, comparative effectiveness of different treatment interventions.

The successful proposal under this topic should aim to deliver results that are directed and tailored towards and contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Together, a network of registered cancer charities and foundations support multi-centre, transnational pragmatic clinical trials on cancers with a 5-year overall survival less than 50% from time of diagnosis or rare cancers using their own resources.
  • Cancer patients and their caregivers have access to more effective and patient-centred, treatment and care solutions.
  • Researchers, innovators, and professionals from different disciplines and sectors ensure accessibility and re-usability of relevant trial data, to support the UNCAN.eu[1] research data platform, which is currently in preparation.
  • National healthcare providers, policymakers and authorities in European regions, Member States and Associated Countries
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