HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-02-single-stage: Boosting innovation through better integration of fragmented health R&I efforts

13 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The actions to be funded under this topic are expected to achieve the following:

a. contribute to one or more of IHI JU's expected impacts linked to IHI JU's Specific Objective 2, as set out in the IHI JU SRIA, i.e.

  • breaking down fragmentation between various disciplines of medicine and technological areas in order to conceive and develop technologically and socially innovative, people-centred, integrated healthcare solutions that can seamlessly be introduced in healthcare systems;
  • fostering development of safe and effective innovative health technologies and their combinations thanks to new and harmonised approaches to data generation;
  • better and faster integration of future products, services and tools along the healthcare pathway (including health promotion and disease prevention), responding to patients' specific needs and leading to improved health outcomes and patient well-being;
  • patients and industry benefit from innovative manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, on-demand small-scale good manufacturing practice (GMP) synthesis, on-site portable production systems etc.;
  • green transition enabled across all aspects of healthcare, both in the delivery of healthcare to patients, and in the technologies and products that emerge from a competitive European industry.

b. contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the EU's health industry, via increased economic activity in the development of health technologies, in particular,

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