HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-05-single-stage: Boosting innovation for better assessment of the added value of innovative integrated healthcare solutions

13 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The actions to be funded under this topic are expected to achieve the following:

a. contribute to one or more of IHI JU's expected impacts linked to IHI JU's Specific Objective 5, as reflected in the IHI JU SRIA, i.e.:

  • seamless and successful implementation in healthcare settings of cross-sectoral innovations, integrated products and services delivering proven benefits to patients, healthcare systems and society as a whole;
  • patients have improved access to innovations that meet their needs and those of the healthcare systems;
  • better informed decision-making at different levels of the healthcare system (authorities, organisations), that will in turn contribute to a better allocation of resources towards cost-effective innovations;
  • faster entry to the market of cost-effective innovative solutions developed by industry, which could translate to a positive effect on their R&I investments.

b. contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the EU's health industry, via increased economic activity in the development of health technologies, in particular, integrated health solutions, and thus fostering European technological leadership and the digital transformation of our societies.

The actions are expected to contribute to EU programmes, initiatives and policies such as the European Green Deal, Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, the EU Mission on Cancer, the European Virtual Twins Initiatives, the European Health

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