EMFAF-2025-PIA-FisheriesScientificAdvice: Improving scientific knowledge to strengthen the science-basis of management decisions under the CFP

20 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

Applicants will describe in their proposals the concrete and measurable results within the duration of the project and their expected impact, including indicators for the monitoring and measurement of progress.

The project activities should result in the following expected impacts:

  • Improved available knowledge to the EU (and global) fisheries scientific community, thus directly improving the science-base for the fisheries management measures designed in the context of the CFP.
  • Better integration of the results of the project into the scientific advice for fisheries management process and, when relevant, the possibility to use/transfer the outcomes to other countries/regions.

Applicants must describe the main target groups or forums in which their results should be considered to feed scientific advice processes for fisheries management (e.g. existing working groups of scientific bodies).

Where relevant, applicants must explain the added value of their proposals in relation to similar actions implemented under national EMFAF Operational Programmes (shared management), e.g. Data Collection Framework (DCF) or monitoring programmes, under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the EU Birds Directive and Habitats Directive. This will be evaluated under Relevance.

For more information about scientific advice under CFP, see the EC website on scientific advice and data collection.


The main objective of this Call for

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