EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-AIFV: Next generation armoured infantry fighting vehicle

07 November 2024|
Expected Impact:

The outcome should contribute to:

  • Fill the majority of technology gaps identified in the "Overarching Strategic Research Agenda" concerning the armoured vehicles domain;
  • Reduce, through commonality and mass production, the acquisition and lifecycle costs and create employment in each MS;
  • Remove dependency from non-EU technologies and products;
  • Reinforce interoperability of EU MS Armed Forces;
  • Reduce the logistic footprint and costs of EU Missions and Operations aiming at the implementation of infologistic systems;
  • Competitiveness, efficiency and innovation capacity of the European defence technological and industrial base, as expected long-term effects enabled by the supported action;
  • A common understanding and knowledge of technological basis as input to subsequent high level requirement analysis for next generation AIFV systems;
  • Contribute to the defence and security interests of the EU and its Member States;
  • Contribute to the EU strategic autonomy level of ambition;
  • Contribute to Europe's resilience and European technological sovereignty;
  • Contribute to European industrial autonomy;
  • Contribute to excellence with the demonstration of a significant advantage over existing products or technologies.

The Global Strategy for the European Union's (EU) Foreign and Security Policy defines an integrated approach to conflicts "at all stages of the conflict cycle, acting promptly on prevention, responding responsibly and decisively to crises, investing in stabilisation and avoiding premature disengagement when a

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