The objective is to increase the interoperability of the rail system in EU.
Scope:Studies and / or works related to:
- Projects removing interoperability barriers in compliance with the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) adopted by Directive (EU) 2016/797[1] except for TSI control-command signalling, which is covered under the ERTMS topics.
- Deployment of telematics applications or upgrade/renewal of existing ones to seek compliance with Technical Specifications for Interoperability relating to Telematics Applications for Freight/Passenger Services in the railway sector. Project applicants must be prepared to collaborate with the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA), for compliance assessment and with a view to implement rail ontology for telematics applications. Priority will be given to support the Telematics applications relating to the following processes:
- Capacity management and traffic management of rail infrastructure (TAP/TAF TSIs),
- Train preparation (TAP/TAF TSIs),
- Management of freight wagons and their shipments (TAP/TAF TSI),
- Rail ticketing services (TAP TSI).
- Automatic gauge change facilities in rail freight traffic in accordance with Article 9(2), point (b)(v) of the CEF Regulation.
- Studies concerning Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) for rail freight operations (including validating the system in commercial operations). Projects must involve relevant stakeholder groups from at least 4 Member States and include testing in cross border and shunting yards operations. The studies