HORIZON-SESAR-2025-DES-ER-03-WA2-1: Research to help shape the future regulatory framework for a DES

15 January 2025|
Expected Outcome:

To significantly advance the following development priority:

  • AR-1 Research to help shape the future regulatory framework for a Digital European Sky.

The expected outcomes are

  • Support the evolution of the future regulatory framework addressing the impact of automation on the human role, providing insight on the challenges and potential solutions to design AI and non-AI based automation tools.
  • Contribute to a harmonised application of airspace classifications in Europe.
  • Improve ATM safety developing applications of Data4Safety.

Specific requirement for this topic

  • Research activities carried out under this topic should always duly consider and assess the potential impact of the proposed regulatory evolutions on military aviation, in particular military operations and training.

1. Evolution of the human operator role and automation

The target vision presented in the ATM Master Plan and in the EASA artificial intelligence (AI) Roadmap entails a technological evolution that will transform the way air traffic services are provided: human operators will delegate a substantial number of tasks to the automation, and both together will form a human - machine teaming able to handle an increasing traffic demand more safely and efficiently.

The research requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving safety, human performance, legal, insurance, regulatory, etc. expertise and shall be use-case driven. The objective of

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