HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-01: Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation

13 February 2025|
Expected Outcome:

Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Value creation and transfer to the economy and society by increased interlinkages and cooperation between knowledge valorisation actors (academia/research; industry/SMEs; public administration/policy-makers and society/citizens);
  • New solutions to societal and economic challenges by stronger uptake and deployment of research results, including through the involvement of citizens and civil society;
  • Improvements of structures, strategies, practices and skills for knowledge valorisation through sustainable reforms and new initiatives in line with the ERA Policy Agenda action 7 - Upgrade EU guidance for a better knowledge valorisation, and with the European Council Recommendation on the Guiding Principles for knowledge valorisation[1].

To emerge stronger from the pandemic and address the challenges we are facing, such as climate change, and enable the twin transition, Europe needs to translate available scientific knowledge and research results to innovative solutions, including technological as well as non-technological and social innovations, in the market, in society and for better policy making. To bring existing good practices in knowledge valorisation to support value creation across Europe, we need more experimentation, peer learning and testing of new models as well as trying out good practices in different environments.

Replication and adaptation of best practices is a powerful way

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