27 February 2025|

The European news media sectors play a crucial and valuable role in Europe. Yet, they are facing multiple challenges. Partially as a result of the digital shift, with readers shifting to online sources and traditional news outlets losing advertising revenues, the economic sustainability of professional journalism has come under pressure. Many media at the local level as well as those putting their public interest mission before profits, have had to close down, weakening media pluralism and posing risks for the good functioning of democracy.

Topic 2. "Journalism Partnerships - Pluralism" Besides a purely economic aspect, independent media contribute to upholding the essential principles of media freedom and pluralism. This topic seeks to protect news media sectors of special relevance to democracy and civic participation, such as local and regional media, community media, investigative journalism and organisations delivering public interest news. Support will target organisations with experience in media to put in cascading grants (i.e. regranting / support to third parties).

Expected results

  • Increased innovation and creativity in business models, journalistic production processes and distribution processes;
  • Increased viability of professionally produced journalistic content.
  • Increased interest in professionally produced journalistic content, among various social groups, language groups and age groups;
  • Increased resilience, pluralism
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