To significantly advance the following development actions:
- IR-5-01 Single pilot operations (SiPO). This includes new sensors and aircraft architectures for the evolution towards SiPO/highly automated operations.
- IR-5-02 Increased automation assistance for the pilot for ATM tasks. This includes improved flight-deck HMI and procedures for CPDLC, voice-less technology, etc.
The following list of R&I needs is proposed as an illustration of the potential project content, but it is not meant as prescriptive. Proposals may include other research elements beyond the proposed research elements below if they are justified by their contribution to achieve the expected outcomes of the topic and are fully aligned with the development priorities defined in the European ATM Master Plan.
- Single pilot operations (SiPO)
In single pilot operations (SiPO) there will only be one pilot onboard at any given time during flight, also during critical phases of flight such as take-off and landing.
Research shall address the impacts on air/ground procedures to be followed by the different actors (air traffic ATCOs, pilots, and ground operators of the airline flight operations centres) needed to manage the normal, abnormal, and emergency situations of SiPO that are related to ATM, with the needed safety and the acceptable efficiency in all phases of flight.