To significantly advance the following development actions:
- IR-6-02 CNS capabilities for U-space, which includes detect and avoid and collision avoidance for UAS, and the use of mobile networks by U-space (including performance-based communication and surveillance services using a mobile network infrastructure).
- IR-6-03 Extending U-space eco-system. This includes the use of U-space services by commercial aircraft, general aviation, crewed VCA, etc., and the use of U-space services outside U-space airspace.
The following list of R&I needs is proposed as an illustration of the potential project content, but it is not meant as prescriptive. Proposals may include other research elements beyond the proposed research elements below if they are justified by their contribution to achieve the expected outcomes of the topic and are fully aligned with the development priorities defined in the European ATM Master Plan.
- Use of public LTE/4G/5G cellular networks for low altitude operations
Research addresses the potential use of public LTE/4G/5G networks for drones, GA and rotorcraft in various environments focusing on CNS applications - primarily enabled by TIS/FIS type of services and automatic vehicles' position reporting. The key operational benefit is increased traffic situation awareness of all stakeholders in the airspace today typically without or with very limited traffic surveillance.