To significantly advance the following development actions:
- IR-6-01 U3 U-space advanced services addressing aspects such as common altitude reference, collaborative interface with ATC, tactical conflict detection and resolution, fairness in strategic deconfliction, etc.
The following list of R&I needs is proposed as an illustration of the potential project content, but it is not meant as prescriptive. Proposals may include other research elements beyond the proposed research elements below if they are justified by their contribution to achieve the expected outcomes of the topic and are fully aligned with the development priorities defined in the European ATM Master Plan.
- Collaborative interface with ATC: dynamic airspace reconfiguration (ATM/U-space)
Research shall further develop dynamic airspace reconfiguration (DAR) concept to facilitate that UAS traffic can access ATC controlled areas, ensuring the safe separation of UAS and crewed operations. Research objective is to develop a highly dynamic, responsive, and granular delegation of portions of controlled airspace in the ATM-U-space shared airspace (AUSA) to either ATC or U-space control, subject to ATM and U-space operational demands respectively. Research shall address the definition of ATM and UTM responsibilities and may address the impact on ATM and UTM capacity. AUSA is a region of controlled airspace where airspace delegation