Interreg Europe: call for project proposals 2024

29 February 2024|
Interreg Europe 2021-2027: third call for project proposals. Programme scope The programme is structured around one single cross-cutting priority, the Interreg-specific objective ‘a better cooperation governance’. This means that beneficiaries can cooperate on any topics of shared relevance in line with their regional needs, as long as this falls within the scope of cohesion policy. This scope includes the topics defined by the policy objectives and specific objectives of cohesion policy as presented in Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 (CPR), Article 5 and Regulation (EU) 2021/1058 on ERDF, Article 3. Despite one single priority, the actions of the programme are still organised according to the specific objectives of the cohesion policy listed in table 1 below. This means that projects need to select a specific objective in their application form. Eligible applicants The following organisations are eligible to receive Interreg or Norwegian funds: Public authorities Public law bodies (bodies governed by public law) Private non-profit bodies. Private non-profit bodies, discovery partners and partners from Switzerland cannot take on the role of lead partner. To be eligible in the third call, the applications submitted have to ensure that at least four out of the five areas below are represented in the partnership...
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