Expected Outcome:
Proposals under this topic should aim to deliver results that are directed and tailored towards and contribute to the following expected outcomes:
- Increased awareness and improved understanding of the incidence, severity, and impact of late effects in AYA cancer survivors among healthcare providers, patients, caregivers and the general public;
- Researchers, innovators, and professionals from different disciplines and sectors ensure accessibility and re-usability of their data, models, tools and technology to support the UNCAN.eu [1] platform, which is currently in preparation;
- Identification of effective interventions and best practices to support AYA patients and survivors in preventing, reducing and better managing late-effects, promoting optimal health outcomes and overcoming disparities between regions;
- Improved quality of life and long-term outcomes for AYA cancer survivors, including improved physical, emotional, and social well-being.
This topic will contribute to the achievement of the Mission's objective to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, survivors and their families. The focus should be exclusively on adolescent and young adult (AYA, age range 15-39)[2] cancer patients and survivors.
Each year, more than 150,000 AYA cancers are diagnosed in the EU, and over 1.2 million worldwide. About 300,000 AYA patients live with or beyond cancer in the EU; the majority experience late-effects due to