HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-02: Support dialogue towards the development of national cancer data nodes

05 February 2025|
Expected Outcome:

Data is an essential resource to improve our understanding of cancer, advance prevention and early detection strategies, facilitate the delivery of personalised care, and better address the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors.

The Cancer Mission supports the creation of the European Initiative to Understand Cancer (UNCAN.eu, a federated European cancer research data infrastructure) and the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre (ECPDC, a European network of national digital infrastructures for cancer patients)[1].

The proposal under this topic is expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:

  • Advance the process of establishing National cancer data nodes[2], by the scaling-up or improvement of existing national health data infrastructures and by fostering their links to the European Health Data Space infrastructures for primary and secondary data uses.
  • Potential barriers that may prevent the effective implementation of UNCAN.eu and ECPDC digital platforms are identified and a way forward to address them proposed.

The proposal should address all of the following:

  • Foster the development of national cancer data nodes through policy dialogues at national level with relevant actors in the research and innovation community, digital health and public health policy.
  • Identify and build synergies between European infrastructures related to health data access and health data sharing for
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