Training and workshops: Webinar: Mediation for Payment Disputes in the Construction Sector in Belgium
The pilot project team organised an informative webinar on mediation for resolving payment disputes in the construction sector.
We delved into how mediation can help (construction) businesses amicably resolve payment disputes with their business partners, and how contractual clauses can foster the recourse to mediation.
Milieu Consulting SRL hosted the event on 29 May 2024. It targeted Belgian SMEs in the construction sector, legal professionals, business owners, and anyone facing or interested in untangling payment disputes through mediation.
The construction industry is notably prone to disputes affecting the payment of goods or services, which can significantly disrupt business operations. The webinar focused on the strategic use of mediation as an efficient alternative to traditional legal proceedings to obtain prompt payment.
See the main webpage for the pilot on dispute mediation in construction.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any questions.
Consolidated webinar presentation slides