Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2024

Join the Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2024 on 10 October, live-streamed from Budapest, Hungary.

The Women and Girls in STEM Forum is an annual flagship event celebrating the success of the Girls Go Circular initiative, led by the EIT Community, in cooperation with the EIT and the European Commission (DG-EAC).

Women in AI: Driving Empowerment and Innovation

Over the past three years, the Women and Girls in STEM Forum has attracted over 3 000 participants to identify key actions to bridge the gender gap in STEM and ICT, dismantle gender stereotypes and empower girls to pursue career dreams in science and technology.  

This year’s Forum will spotlight AI’s transformative power in bridging the gender gap in STEM. Join a diverse group of experts as they share insights, success stories, and strategies through engaging panels and speeches. Learn how AI can foster inclusive opportunities for women, from targeted education to supportive professional networks, emphasising mentorship, representation, and policy changes.

Register now for online attendance at the Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2024:

Online Registration

Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2024 Agenda

10:00-10:10Agenda and HousekeepingWelcoming remarks by Magali Minet, the moderator.
10:10-10:20Opening plenary

Welcome and Keynote Speech by Ilaria Tagliavini, Head of Operations at EIT.

Video message from the European Commission (DGEAC).

Session 1: Overcoming Barriers – Addressing Gender Bias in AI

10:20-11:00Panel Discussion

Speakers: [To Be Announced]


This session will focus on the challenges and biases women face in AI, including how AI can both perpetuate and help dismantle these biases.

Session 2: Innovating for Inclusion – AI Solutions for Women’s Empowerment

11:00-11:30Fireside chat

Speakers: [To Be Announced]

This session will highlight groundbreaking AI applications that specifically address the challenges faced by women in various sectors, such as education, healthcare, safety, and economic opportunities.

11:30-11:45Coffee break 

Session 3: Exploring the Future – Girls Go Circular Student Challenge

11:45-12:50Student Challenge finale

Speakers: [To Be Announced]

The three finalist teams of the Girls Go Circular Student Challenge will pitch their idea for an AI tool reducing gender inequalities on stage in front of an expert jury and the public.

12:50-12:55 Winner Announcement for the Public’s Choice Award.
12:55-13:05Keynote speechSpeaker: [To Be Announced]
13:05-13:20Awards ceremonyWinner announcement of the Girls Go Circular Student Challenge.
13:20-13:30Closing plenary

Closing remarks by the moderator.

[End of the live-stream]

13:30-15:00Lunch and EIT Educational fair The EIT Community Education will showcase some of its educational activities in a large interactive exhibition [for on-site participants only].

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