EU consultation on State Aid rules: enhancing environmental Justice access

|Regulation|10 February 2025

Photo by Markus Spiske from UnsplashUnderstanding stakeholder opinions on proposed changes to State aid rules aimed at ensuring better public access to justice on environmental issues. This is the goal of the EU consultation investigating the interaction between State aid rules and the Aarhus Convention.

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On February 7, the European Commission launched a consultation on proposed amendments to the State aid implementing regulation (EC) No. 794/2004 and the State aid Best Practices Code concerning new rules on access to justice in environmental matters. 

The proposed changes introduce a new review mechanism, allowing citizens to request the Commission to review certain State aid decisions to verify if they contravene EU environmental law.

The consultation launched by the European Executive follows the conclusions of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC) in the compliance case ACCC/C/2015/128. This case dates back to 2015, when the Committee received a complaint from an environmental NGO regarding a Commission decision on State aid granted to support the development of a new nuclear power plant in a member state.

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