Russia - works for district heating project

|Investments|11 April 2017

Moscow - Photo credit: ynaka29 via / CC BY-NC-NDThe contract concerns the reconstruction of heating substations and the installation of heat meters.

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Bangladesh - tender for works in environmental infrastructure sector

Municipal District Heating Company Vologdagorteploset has received a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and a grant from the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership Support Fund towards the cost of the development of the city district heating system. 

The Company now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contract: reconstruction of 64 individual heating substations installed in residential buildings in Vologda and installation of heat meters with automatic data transfer to the Company central control system for the ones that are equipped for heating hot water for domestic needs.

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To be qualified for the award of the contract tenderers shall satisfy minimum qualifying requirements in terms of general experience, financial position, personnel capabilities and litigation history.

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