Fisheries: FEAMPA call to increase scientific knowledge in support of the CFP

|In Evidence|19 November 2024

Fishing - Photo credit: Photo by Jerzy Morkis from Pixabay There is time until February 20, 2025, to participate in the new call published by the European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA) under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) 2021-2027. A total of €2.6 million is available to fund up to seven projects across the EU.

The new FEAMPA 2021-2027 call aims to improve knowledge to strengthen the scientific basis of management decisions under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

Specifically, the call, titled “Improving scientific knowledge to strengthen the science-basis of management decisions under the CFP (EMFAF-2025-PIA-FisheriesScientificAdvice)”, funds projects aimed at enhancing the scientific knowledge necessary to support the design of science-based policies for fisheries conservation and management.

Beneficiaries of the contributions will be research institutes and centers, universities, foundations, and scientific entities primarily active in the field

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