The new call for proposals for major EU cross-border energy infrastructure projects included in the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and the list of Projects of Mutual Interest (SMEs) opens on 30 April.
Funding worth a total of EUR 850 million is planned. In addition to electricity, smart grid and CO2 network projects, hydrogen and electrolysers and offshore projects can also apply for EU funding from this year.
CINEA is launching a new call for proposals for major EU cross-border energy infrastructure projects included in the Union's list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs), in line with the revision of TEN-E, the Trans-European Energy Network.
While the former, Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) are infrastructures connecting the energy systems of EU countries, Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) are cross-border energy infrastructures between the EU and third countries.
These projects are eligible for CEF Energy funds through the CEF Energy 2024 call.