Agriculture: EU countries claim CAP independence in the next MFF

|Focus|11 December 2024

Agriculture - Photo credit: Jannis Knorr The future CAP must ensure stability for agricultural incomes, food security, reasonable prices for consumers, and incentives for the green transition. These are the priorities for the post-2027 Common Agricultural Policy indicated by the ministers of the Member States gathered in the Agriculture Council in anticipation of the European Commission's legislative proposals, expected next year. 

Proposals that, unlike what emerges from the mission letter of the designated Budget Commissioner Piotr Serafin, according to the 27 should ensure a "separate and independent" CAP.

The conclusions on the post-2027 CAP were unanimously approved by the ministers in the Agriculture Council on December 9 and confirm the change in approach to the Common Agricultural Policy that followed the tractor protest and prompted the Commission to initiate the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture.

Less environmental policy, more strictly agricultural policy, according to the 27, the CAP must provide adequate incentives to compensate and

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