A Forum for Reflection: EU Weighs Cohesion Data Against Future Challenges

|Focus|15 April 2024

Commissioner Ferreira - Photo Credit: European Union - Photograppher PungovschiFrom 10-11 April 2024, some of the most influential policymakers at regional, national, and local levels came together in Brussels for the 9th Cohesion Forum.

Hosted by the European Commission as a means to benchmark the efficacy of Cohesion Policy and address its implementation challenges, the forum has historically acted as a mouthpiece for closer partnership between Member States. However, this year's forum took a more sombre tone, offering less of its customary enthusiasm.

European Accession: A Brief History

While the idea of Cohesion funds was conceptualised in the 1980s - with the Cohesion Fund itself being established in 1992 - the 2004 EU enlargement brought issues that threatened the future prosperity and competitiveness of the nascent Union, most prevalent stemming from wealth disparities between new Member States and founding members. Many of the new arrivals had recently emerged from Soviet rule, with economies and industries in disarray.

The Cohesion Rationale

This is where Cohesion Policy was tapped to step in. Cohesion funds, a community pot of money gathered to bring less-affluent members up to economic and social parity, could offer an economic lifeline. Poorer Member States could find a brighter future through community projects supporting social inclusion, infrastructure, and industry. Funding instruments like the European Social Fund (ESF), Cohesion Fund, and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) were streamlined and bolstered in anticipation of the 2004 enlargement.

State of Play: Mission and Budget

As its name suggests, Cohesion Policy is purposed to bring Europe together, with a shared mission of collective prosperity, a community sense of identity, and an overall better quality of life for citizens across the Union. The six key investment priorities outlined in the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) include urban development, green initiatives, innovation, education, and more.

The EU dedicates nearly 35% of the MFF 2021-2027, around € 378 billion, to Cohesion funding. This is closely linked to the larger

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