Targeted aid for the CAP and a Transition Fund for a sustainable agriculture

|Comments and Research|05 September 2024

Peter Strohschneider and Ursula von der Leyen - Photo credit: European Commission 2024The aids of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should be more targeted and focus on the most struggling businesses, to prevent the abandonment of agricultural activity by operators who guarantee Europe's food security and essential ecosystem services. A Just Transition Fund, external to the CAP, should instead temporarily accompany the entire agri-food sector towards more sustainable practices and systems, combined with a Nature Restoration Fund, greater involvement of private capital, and an EIB loan framework designed for agrifood. These are some of the recommendations contained in the final report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture.

The report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture, delivered on September 4 to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen by Professor Peter Strohschneider, head of the working group established in January 2024, is among Brussels' responses to the tractor protest. With the aim of achieving "A Shared Perspective for Agriculture and Food in Europe", as the title of the report states, the stakeholders involved in the project have framed challenges and opportunities related to the sector and provided the Commission with a series of recommendations for European agri-food policies.

However, this sharing can only be measured in

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