Horizon Europe: 23 days longer than Horizon 2020 to receive a grant

|Comments and Research|30 August 2024

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from PexelsA study by the EU Commission provides a provisional assessment of the functioning of Horizon Europe. Among the findings, it is noted that, compared to its predecessor, it takes an average of 23 more days to sign grants. Other interesting data include: improved success rates, the impact of consultancy services, and the overall ease of participating in Horizon Europe calls.

Commissioned to an external company, the study must obviously be contextualized. The analyzed data, in fact, only concern the first three clusters (in addition to the Cancer Mission and seven partnerships) and cover only the first two years of the Program. This aspect must be analyzed considering that, on the one hand, Horizon 2020 was also slower in its early years compared to the performance achieved towards the end; on the other hand, it should be noted that the years examined were also the peak years of the pandemic.

With this necessary premise, the data within it still constitute a useful initial assessment of the functioning of Horizon Europe, also w

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