The objective is to modernise road transport infrastructure on the TEN-T network.
Scope:Studies and / or works related to:
Projects related to the upgrading of existing road sections of the core, extended core and comprehensive networks with poor safety rating or high accident occurrence, with a view to increasing their safety. Such projects may include:
- systemic improvements to the in-built safety of roads;
- implementation of measures identified during the network-wide road safety assessment in accordance with Directive 2008/96/EC[1], amended by Directive (EU) 2019/1936[2];
- upgrades of most critical and accident-prone sections ("hot spots") as identified in the network-wide road safety assessment in accordance with Directive 2008/96/EC amended by Directive (EU) 2019/1936;
- deploying digital information systems for the safe road and road tunnel use and/or enforcement purposes.
Support can only be given to projects providing for safety upgrades of existing road infrastructure, not to the construction of new road infrastructure.
Support can be given to the deployment of digital infrastructure if it has the purpose of improving road safety and tunnel safety or if it supports authorities in enforcing road safety.
Systemic improvements to the in-built safety of roads can be supported if the intervention is based on findings of the targeted road safety inspections or of the network-wide