Innovative SMEs: Eurostars 3 - Call for projects SEP 2024 (CoD 7)

12 July 2024|
7th Joint transnational call for proposals (CoD 7) within Eurostars III projetc, promoted by Eureka in the framework of the "European Partnership on Innovative SMEs£ funded by Horizon Europe 2021-2027. Aim of the call Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organisations and other types of organisations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. By participating, organisations can access public funding for international collaborative R&D projects in all fields. Eligibility criteria The project consortium must have an innovative SME in the leading role, but it can also include other types of organisations like large companies, universities, research organisations and more. More details: The project consortium is led by an innovative SME from a Eurostars country. The project consortium is composed of at least two entities that are independent of one another. The project consortium is composed of entities from at least two Eurostars countries with at least one organisation coming from an EU or Horizon Europe Associated Country. The budget of the SMEs from the participating countries (excluding any subcontracting) is 50% or more of the total project cost. No single participant or country is responsible for more than...
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