EDF-2025-DA-GROUND-LCC-STEP: Land collaborative combat including air-land

18 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The outcome should contribute to:

  • Enable agile, secure network- and data-centric operations that can rely on the distributed, timely facilitation of the joint military functions in the land domain among multinational combat systems (C5ISTAR) on all different levels of command and physical platforms throughout a mission coalition.
  • Build a credible interoperable fighting force in terms of land combat capability, by introducing, in the shortest possible time, resilient, advanced solutions for collaborative combat within coalitions.
  • Introduce new innovative collaborative combat technologies and capabilities that can be adapted to various manned or unmanned platforms.
  • Provide a governmental EU agreed framework that industry can use to build state of the art and highly innovative systems dedicated to collaborative/federated land combat for emerging and future capability needs.
  • Provide solutions that solve emerging/future capability needs of several EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries with maximum commonality and modularity.
  • Increase strategic autonomy of EU concerning technologies and products.

Given the evolution of threats on the battlefield (e.g., high intensity multi-domain warfare, technological dissemination, multiplication of unmanned aircraft systems), which make the environment ever more challenging, complex and contested, collaborative warfare is meant to gain and maintain superiority over the enemy thanks to combat systems and networking. In particular, the elaboration

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