NDICI-2024-MOBAF: Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme

31 January 2025|
Expected Impact:

The expected outputs linked to the specific objectives include:

  • Improved mechanisms for the international transparency and recognition of studies/degrees and qualifications in the participating HEIs.
  • Improved knowledge transfer, quality of higher education and information exchange on study opportunities in the African Higher Education and Research Space between HEIs.
  • Strengthened HEIs capacity to manage international partnerships, mobility flows and career services.
  • Increased partnerships and networks among HEIs in Africa, in particular in the research area at regional and continental level
  • Enhanced cooperation of HEIs and business, including on climate change area.
  • Enhanced knowledge, competences, skills and employability of scholarship holders
  • Increased participation of women and people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Knowledge, competences and skills in the field of climate change adaptation and mitigation are strengthened across countries and stakeholders.
  • More African women hold a university degree, and access to HEIs is diversified with special attention to students with special needs or vulnerable status (e.g. coming from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds, fragile and least developed countries/regions, with a refugee status).

The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the economic, social and human development of Africa by improving the skills and competences of individuals in different areas, in particular those linked to climate change and green transitioning.

The Specific Objectives of

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