CEF-DIG-2023-5GCORRIDORS-STUDIES: 5G coverage along transport corridors - Studies

15 November 2024|
Expected Impact:

Proposals submitted under this topic are expected to prepare for 5G corridor work that will contribute to a wider plan to deploy uninterrupted, end-to-end 5G connectivity throughout the entire CEF corridor covered by the proposal, in synergy, where appropriate, with national actions, such as those identified under RRF.

The inception studies should propose key parameters that will best describe the different features of the proposed 5G corridor, including the aggregate length of the corridors covered by 5G, the spectrum bands to be used along the sections, the inter-radio site distance, the availability of various service features along transport routes, service continuity across the border, as well as the available performance such as data rate and latency for each vehicle as a result of CEF Digital support.

Enabling the use of sharing models for both passive and active infrastructure, which is encouraged in this call, aims to increase the efficient use of funds provided under this programme.


During the last decade large-scale trials for testing, demonstration, and validation purposes have been conducted at different locations across Europe, with the support of European and national/local public funding.

Inception studies will be funded under this call, in order to prepare the actual works for the next

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