EuroHPC JU: Call for expression of interest to select Hosting Entities for acquiring or upgrading EuroHPC supercomputers with AI capabilities (AI Factory) - EUROHPC-2024-CEI-AI-02

11 September 2024|
CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST to select Hosting Entities for acquiring or upgrading EuroHPC supercomputers with AI capabilities, an Advanced Experimental AI-Optimised Supercomputing Platform (optional) and AI Factory (EUROHPC-2024-CEI-AI-02). Objectives The overall objective of this call is to select hosting entities for AI-optimised supercomputers or existing hosting entities to upgrade existing EuroHPC supercomputers with AI capabilities, to acquire Advanced Experimental AI-optimised Supercomputing Platforms (optional), as well as to establish an associated AI Factory which will be undertaken by the EuroHPC JU. The specific objective of this call is as follows: Selection of a new hosting entity and conclusion of a new hosting agreement in the case where an applicant targets the acquisition of a new AI EuroHPC supercomputer or selection of an existing hosting entity for an upgraded AI EuroHPC supercomputer in the case the applicants intend to upgrade an existing EuroHPC supercomputer with AI capabilities. The EuroHPC JU will select such hosting entities as well as the associated “AI Factories” and will conclude a hosting agreement, which will permit to establish a stable and structured partnership between the EuroHPC JU and the hosting entity for: the acquisition, integration and operation of the new or the upgraded AI EuroHPC...
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