The expected results are:
(a) Increased dissemination of EU policies and initiatives in the area of the call and improved EU outreach activities at national and local level;
(b) Improved capacity and awareness about EU policies and funding opportunities among the members of the networks and their beneficiaries;
(c) Increased awareness about the potential of social economy, social enterprises and microenterprises, their needs and challenges at EU, national and local levels;
(d) improved availability of research and data about the fields in which the beneficiaries operate.
Scope:This call aims to support the development of social economy and social finance in Europe.
The action grants will contribute to building up the institutional capacity of stakeholders, delivering support to social economy actors (e.g. cooperatives, social enterprises), as well as those supporting the development of social finance (i.e. microfinance, social enterprise finance and social impact investing) in Europe. The beneficiaries under this call are expected to:
(a) support the Commission in its outreach activities at national and local levels, with the aim of ensuring awareness, contribution to and implementation of EU level policies and initiatives in the areas of the call,
(b) increase the beneficiaries and their members' capacity to contribute to policy design at EU, national and local levels,