Expected Impact:
The outcome should contribute to:
- Structure and develop a European ecosystem to support simulation technology for military usages.
- Establish an EU roadmap for MDO LVC in a multi-national context.
- Identify and address specific LVC interoperability challenges and gaps in order to establish a cost-efficient LVC training capability for MDO in a multi-national context.
- Incrementally increase the interoperability of LVC training systems - current and future - to enable the EU Member States' and EDF Associated Countries' armed to "plug and train" efficiently.
- Improve the capabilities and effectiveness of On-Board and Ground Training systems by identifying specific LVC challenges and addressing the gaps of federated LVC solutions to promote interoperability, integration and MDO in a multi-national context.
- Integrate and develop advanced training concepts by adopting novel technologies allowing a proper coverage of emerging needs of a MDO in a multi-national context.
- Promote convergence on training standards and certifications to foster interoperability of EU Member States and EDF Associated Countries.
- Better use of resources (single and multiple domains and assets).
- Harmonise the EDTIB processes and methods for the development of LVC simulation capabilities.
- A more effective, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable Multi Domain Operations combat training and mission rehearsal.
- Increase the multinational and multi-domain training activities while at the same time improving