HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-02: New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities

13 December 2024|
Expected Outcome:

Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Improved understanding by public authorities of how innovative engagement approaches can foster openness, social cohesion, trust and acceptance within communities and promote the inclusion of marginalised communities and/or vulnerable groups.
  • Tested and validated engagement approach(es) are made available to public authorities to involve citizens in the co-design and co-development of public spaces in their neighbourhoods.
  • Better public acceptance of change thanks to the meaningful and continuous engagement of all relevant end-users and local communities in the design, construction and maintenance of public spaces.
  • Improved cooperation mechanisms between citizens and project developers.

Addressing societal challenges such as climate change, energy poverty, the pandemic, ageing population or the increased societal divide will require to rethink the way we develop and live in our neighbourhoods. Current ways of planning, designing and building often overlook the importance of continuously engaging end-users or local communities. Yet, incorporating community knowledge and efforts can lead to more liveable neighbourhoods that reflect local needs and contexts and empower current and future residents. Moreover, the way public spaces are designed can have an important impact on the way people interact with each other, the kind of activities that take place in such

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