HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-01: Exploiting the potential of secondary bio-based products

13 December 2024|
Expected Outcome:

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Better understanding of the properties of products using bio-based material(s) derived from secondary sources by the construction sector stakeholders;
  • Roadmaps for the industrial scale production or re-use (beyond the established state-of-the art recycling and down-cycling) of at least four different types of products using secondary bio-based materials unlocking and demonstrating the full potential and benefits of the circular bio-based economy;
  • Enhanced environmental performance of the construction products, including enhanced resource efficiency and potential long-term carbon removal.

Although the NEB has been championing bio-based materials for the built environment, more research is needed on products that make use of secondary bio-based construction materials, such as from by-products or waste from other industries or processes, including bio-based composites and residues/by-products from agriculture or from fishing, aquaculture and agro-food industries, in line with the cascading principles[1]. Using such products in the construction sector will reduce reliance on primary resources, hence minimising the environmental impact associated with their extraction and processing.

Proposals should increase the potential of innovative bio-based products making use of materials from secondary sources for construction applications, thereby enhancing the circular bio-based economy in the construction sector, in line with the

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