Water4All Partnership: Joint Transnational Call 2024

13 September 2024|
Joint Transnational Call 2024 for research and innovation projects on “Water for Circular Economy”, promoted by Water4All Partnership, cofunded by the European Union within the frame of the Horizon Europe programme. Updates only for italian participants: Proroga della scadenza dell'avviso integrativo MUR Goals The Joint Transnational Call (JTC) supports research and innovation projects to improve water security in the long term. In line with the strategic objectives of Water4All, the results should contribute to the implementation of evidence-based, global, EU and national water management policies and strategies. Research & innovation proposals submitted under the Water4All 2024 Joint Transnational Call are required to address at least one of the following themes: 1. Enhancement of water circularity in industries 1.1. Introducing innovative paradigms and methodologies for transitioning sectors towards circular economy models and decoupling production and water demand. This may include strategies to achieve zero liquid discharge and resource recovery. 1.2. Development of innovative processes and approaches to address minimization of water consumption, wastewater treatment for reuse, sustainable use of water sources, integration of stakeholder engagement for reuse for and among industrial actors and linkage to urban schemes. 1.3. Development of innovative monitoring procedures for process control and development of operating...
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