EDF-2025-DA-SI-GROUND-DAMM: Drone-based affordable mass munitions

18 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The outcome should contribute to:

  • Improve engagement capabilities by extending the range and precision of land-based precision strike capabilities, delivered in a massive way.
  • Gain technological superiority for deploying affordable Loitering Munitions and small UCAS, for defeating conventional adversary targets.
  • Foster the integration of Ukrainian war lessons learned into EU defence industry products.
  • Enhance EDTIB capabilities to mass produce effective Loitering Munitions and small UCAS.
  • Reduce non-EU dependencies in the field of Loitering Munitions and small UCAS.
  • CDP priority Land Based Precision Engagement.
  • Increase the opportunities for various smaller actors in the defence sector established in the EU, EDF Associated Countries or Ukraine - including those not previously active in the defence sector, to adapt and apply innovative technologies for defence applications- and promote technological edge in the field.

Increase opportunities and future involvement for third parties in the field of ground combat capabilities, within tasks described previously in the call text under "Conditions related to FSTP".

Expected Outcome:

As it is related to EUDIS, and in addition to the development activities, this call topic aims to support innovation opportunities and enable small companies to demonstrate innovative technologies relevant to drone-based affordable mass munitions and receive limited acceleration support. To achieve this objective, financial support to third parties

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