HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-GENDER-Prize-03: Inclusive Gender Equality Champions

26 February 2025|
Expected Impact:

The prizes will increase public awareness of the importance of addressing gender equality in academic and research organisations through institutional change, incentivise a high degree of commitment to the implementation of inclusive GEPs, and create a community of champions inspiring other academic and research organisations into becoming gender equality champions themselves.

Expected Outcome:

Expected Outcomes:

  • Enable the development of a European community of academic and research champions in institutional transformation towards inclusive gender equality;
  • Strengthening of the inclusiveness and connectivity objectives under the new European Research Area.

The "EU Award for Gender Equality Champions" is a recognition prize scheme meant as a booster and a complement to the requirement for higher education establishments, research organisations and public bodies applying to Horizon Europe to have in place a Gender Equality Plan (GEP)[1], and as a tool for advancing inclusive gender equality plans and policies in the framework of the new European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda.

The Award is also an enabler for the transformation agenda for universities set forth in the new ERA, in synergy with the European Education Area (EEA) and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA, Bologna process), and in line with the Communication on a European Strategy for Universities adopted on

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