AI-BOOST: Large AI Grand Challenge

17 November 2023|
Large AI Grand Challenge - Guidelines for applicants (Version 1 – 15/11/2023). What are the goals of the Large AI Grand Challenge? The purpose of the Large AI Grand Challenge is to: Foster the development of large-scale AI models in Europe Substantially increase the visibility of Europe’s activity in this field The competition will reward innovative startups and SMEs for devising ambitious strategies and making commitments to develop large-scale AI models that will provide a competitive edge for Europe. The expected outcome of the Large AI Grand Challenge is the selection of up to four proposals to create innovative foundational language models that will outperform state-of-the-art systems in a number of relevant tasks. The development of these models should necessarily involve the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC). Who are we looking for? To be eligible to apply to the Large AI Grand Challenge, applicants must meet the four following criteria: Be a single legal entity Be a small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this includes startups; Have technical capacity AND experience working on large-scale AI models. Also consider that projects must focus exclusively on civil applications; Be established in one of the Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU),...
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